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24-01-2013, 03:24 PM

So are we getting a vote on EU membership?

David camermoron made a big deal out of annoucing we are getting an In - Out" vote on EU membership.

He said it would be before 2017.
Rember he PROMISED an EU vote "before the end of the next parliament" during the last general election!

Why the wait? Why the delay?
Because if the vite was tomorrow, over 65% would probably vote for getting out.
He now has (another) five years to brainwash and spin so he gets the result he wants.

And he will "come back from Europe" wiith a "great deal for Britain", lots of "concessions" and "played hard ball" with Angela Merkel (sounds like a fishing lure for catching Pike)

He is hoping after failing with the economy, we will be taken in with his plastic posturing over Europe and the pledge of a referendum we never got the last time he mentioned it.
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24-01-2013, 05:06 PM

Re: So are we getting a vote on EU membership?

I would doubt very much that we will ever get a referendum on EU membership unless the public elect a UKIP government. Remember that New Labour were elected on their 2005 manifesto which promised a referendum on the EU but both Blair and Brown betrayed this commitment and refused to hold one. I can't see Cameron (Blair lite) doing any different. Even if we did get the opportunity and voted to leave the EU, they would make us repeat the referendum until they got the result they wanted (as they did with Ireland and the vote on the Lisbon Treaty).
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24-01-2013, 07:48 PM

Re: So are we getting a vote on EU membership?

I'm not sure that the public would vote to leave the EU. I for one think we are better in than out but I believe that Cameron is right in that we need to renegotiate our role in it.
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24-01-2013, 09:26 PM

Re: So are we getting a vote on EU membership?

Originally Posted by Alan Cooke ->
I'm not sure that the public would vote to leave the EU. I for one think we are better in than out but I believe that Cameron is right in that we need to renegotiate our role in it.
Alan I agree. The EU is a significant post WWII achievement and must continue but there's a shed load of silly pointless rules and regulations that need to be sorted and the sooner the better.
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24-01-2013, 10:08 PM

Re: So are we getting a vote on EU membership?

So do I, we need Europe we are stronger for trade than being out, we have to have a vote whether we want to be in a trading common market, or stay as we are, I believe the ball now is in the EU's back garden.
I believe there are other countries who wish this to happen, the sooner they form an alliance the better.
The countries over there that are in financial trouble, must be allowed to go bust.
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25-01-2013, 08:02 AM

Re: So are we getting a vote on EU membership?

What could the country do with the £50m a day it costs to be in the EU?

I agree that EU Trade is a good thing for the country but I am sure that we could do without the bureaucracy of Brussels telling us how to run our own country.
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25-01-2013, 08:42 AM

Re: So are we getting a vote on EU membership?

I have no strong views for the EU either way, but as usual, everyone seems to know how much (financially) we put in, but no one seems to know what comes back.
One thing is for certain, after possible exit, old blighty will not return to the green and pleasant land we remember from our childhood, too much has happened in the interim.
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26-01-2013, 08:37 AM

Re: So are we getting a vote on EU membership?

Originally Posted by spitfire ->
I have no strong views for the EU either way, but as usual, everyone seems to know how much (financially) we put in, but no one seems to know what comes back.
One thing is for certain, after possible exit, old blighty will not return to the green and pleasant land we remember from our childhood, too much has happened in the interim.
As it happens matey I do. There was some debate on this broadcast on television the other day. Apparently we pay £10Billion towards the EU, but receive £8Billion back in rebate, therefore our 'net' contribution to the EU budget is £2Billion annually.
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26-01-2013, 09:04 AM

Re: So are we getting a vote on EU membership?

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
As it happens matey I do. There was some debate on this broadcast on television the other day. Apparently we pay £10Billion towards the EU, but receive £8Billion back in rebate, therefore our 'net' contribution to the EU budget is £2Billion annually.
If this is the case the fiscals are "small fry", but the social and cultural changes undergone within the borders of this small island are here for the duration, (for better or worse who knows) regardless of any vote on anything.
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26-01-2013, 09:11 AM

Re: So are we getting a vote on EU membership?

Two biggest worries regarding the EU should be the unfettered immigration and granting of immediate benefits, which even our present citizens can't get, and the Human Rights Laws, which have the effect of protecting everyone apart from the victim, who seems to have little or no rights at all.....

But regarding the referendum, Cameron can't give us a vote in 5 year's time because he won't be in power... it's just all smoke and mirrors...again....
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