Welcome to Over50sForum! The site for people over 50 to chat, make friends, discuss, share, and generally be part of something that's fun and friendly :)
Hello and welcome my little porker let us go forth into this new venture with brave hearts and determination and prepare to welcome any visitors that will surely arrive.
It will be a bright start with plenty of sunshine, however, blustery showers will soon develop and spread eastwards through the day. These will turn heavy and thundery with the risk of hail in places. Feeling remarkably cooler than yesterday..
.................Or at least that's what the weathermen say
Hi I am English I think but have been visiting OZ for the last 35 years on and off - well mostly on but I still ave a Liverpudlian accent r kid like innit!
and Mummy Bear is still our Queen through her duly elected Governor Old Noddy no less!!