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07-07-2021, 09:33 AM

Re: Kindle Book Subscriptions

Sign up for the Kindle Daily Deal emails - you'll get an email every day linking to a handful of books on special offer, usually 99p. You'll often find some decent books amongst the mix.
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28-07-2021, 03:28 AM

Re: Kindle Book Subscriptions

I've been collecting links on how to get free Kindle books for a while, so these might be old.

This one lists 22 places online to get free Kindle books with the pros and cons to each one. It says it was just updated a few days ago.

This one is in that list. OHFB - one hundred free books. I've picked books off here before.

This one doesn't give the price of the books, so be careful when you get to Amazon that they're free. That's true of all sites but especially when they don't list prices.


Reddit has a number of subs that list free ebooks. This one is my go-to. Some are not for Kindle, but they usually say. Be very careful with the price on these. These are specials and often for a limited time. They sometimes don't delete the listing when the price goes up.
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28-07-2021, 05:09 AM

Re: Kindle Book Subscriptions

Originally Posted by Lindyloo ->
I'm reading so much more since I was given a kindle and think I should consider subscribing to a club which gives me access to free or cheap books. Can anyone recommend one please?


You could always do a search on line for a book you are after, they are usually epub format (but not always)

Download the file and use Calibre Ebook Manager to convert it to what ever format Kindle uses (is it .mobi?) and upload it to your Kindle. Easy as...

Then it will cost you nothing.

Then there is always Gutenburg Press 60000 free books for your reading pleasure.
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