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09-07-2014, 10:02 PM

Israel - Palestine - Taking Sides??

I was surprised no one wanted to comment but also sure it would have appeared somewhere on the site many moons ago?

As soon as Palestine starts 'lobbing' rockets into Israel there is one thing you can be absolutely sure of. Israel will retaliate and 'lob' even bigger and more regular rockets and is now of course considering a ground offensive.

This is a conflict which IMO will never cease, although strangely enough Jews and Arabs do live in comparative harmony within Jerusalem.

Palestine protests always that Israel maintains a blockade and therefore prevents any advancement of Palestine in a peaceful and prosperous way. Israel will of course claim that opening up the borders would be disastrous for them as the intent of the Palestinians is to annihilate Israel totally.

When things get this bad the referee is called in, the UN who despite having Jordan on its council seem to strangely be hesitating to do anything. Of course they must realize that they do not have a Solomon [who was Jewish I believe] on their council and that there does not appear to be any solution that would work.
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09-07-2014, 10:12 PM

Re: Israel - Palestine - Taking Sides??

Gumbud People have commented on this situation on the forum over the years but as it appears to be stalemate and the clock can't be turned back to do things differently, I think it is a subject of which many have grown weary..
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10-07-2014, 05:34 AM

Re: Israel - Palestine - Taking Sides??

What is the old saying , "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth until everyone is blind and toothless"!
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10-07-2014, 07:48 AM

Re: Israel - Palestine - Taking Sides??

Originally Posted by Alan Cooke ->
What is the old saying , "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth until everyone is blind and toothless"!
Very apt Alan...
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10-07-2014, 08:09 AM

Re: Israel - Palestine - Taking Sides??

I have been listening with interest past few weeks to Jews and Palestinians talking on the radio, it's a mess and neither side is willing to make a move to stop it. Sadly I am swiftly coming to the conclusion we should just eave them and other parts of the world to it, they will kill each other and keep going until one or other side has won. We have tried diplomacy and no one wants to know so perhaps fighting is all there is left. Disgraceful and totally unnecessary and for a pacifist it is hard to comprehend that anyone would really chuck a bomb at anyone else.
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10-07-2014, 01:38 PM

Re: Israel - Palestine - Taking Sides??

We are supposed to be a modern society and it is 2014. Some Countries and feuds last seemingly forever. They have newer weapons but still have
the same hatred. I bet if you did DNA on both the Arabs and the Jews they
will have come from the same genes at one point. Just the religion changed.
They need to look at what happened to the feud in the USA in the 1890's
between the Hatfields and the McCoys. In the end they killed nearly all
the family on either side before it stopped. Some of the ones still alive after it were hung by the Government so no winners there then.
I wish we would now keep our nose out of these religious wars as its not
doing the peaceful folk who live here any good being threatened by these
Uncle Joe
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10-07-2014, 01:42 PM

Re: Israel - Palestine - Taking Sides??

The state of Israel was born out of terrorism and the Palestinians are second class citizens in their own land. If the Arab league ever found a charismatic enough leader to unite all the arab nations, they could (providing the U.S. kept their noses out) go through the whole of Palestine like a dose of salts.
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10-07-2014, 01:51 PM

Re: Israel - Palestine - Taking Sides??

I'm not sure why a "Two State" solution has not been reached.. Neither side wants to give in. I think that Israel should let the Palistinians have a State and stop with the incessant homesteading on their land.

I get really weary of all the pro-Israeli rhetoric... especially here in the States as it does not stem from a love of Israel, but from some Biblical evangelical belief that the land of Israel will play a part in the last coming of Christ. These religous wingnuts have no affection for Jews or judaeism... But are convinced the jews will burn in hell with all the other nonbelievers in Christianity...or at least their brand of fundamentalist nonsense. That's what makes this so distasteful to me.
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11-07-2014, 01:22 AM

Re: Israel - Palestine - Taking Sides??

Originally Posted by BowieEyes ->
We are supposed to be a modern society and it is 2014. Some Countries and feuds last seemingly forever. They have newer weapons but still have
the same hatred. I bet if you did DNA on both the Arabs and the Jews they
will have come from the same genes at one point. Just the religion changed.
They need to look at what happened to the feud in the USA in the 1890's
between the Hatfields and the McCoys. In the end they killed nearly all
the family on either side before it stopped. Some of the ones still alive after it were hung by the Government so no winners there then.
I wish we would now keep our nose out of these religious wars as its not
doing the peaceful folk who live here any good being threatened by these
yes the genes are the same - both go back to Father Abraham who both sides venerate and use separate doors to enter his tomb in Jerusalem. there is a deep hatred and only a miracle will fix it!!
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11-07-2014, 01:25 AM

Re: Israel - Palestine - Taking Sides??

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
The state of Israel was born out of terrorism and the Palestinians are second class citizens in their own land. If the Arab league ever found a charismatic enough leader to unite all the arab nations, they could (providing the U.S. kept their noses out) go through the whole of Palestine like a dose of salts.
it will never happen the Arabs are deeply un- united themselves - the Sunnis and Shi-ites hate each others guts just look at Iraq to see that - and the Arab states 'use' the west to stir up more trouble - yes let them get on with it but it won't happen because we need their oil and balance of powers - remember Iran with its nuclear capabilities??
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