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10-05-2021, 02:05 PM

Re: Over 50's Club Scotland (part 3)

Afternoon all. Pixie weather is mixed here. One minute raining next minute glorious sunshine, very windy too. I miss my wee dog, she was Bonnie and lived til she was 14.
Enjoy your meet up Jess. You are fairly scooting about again. Good for you. Need to give myself a kick up the bahookie and get out again.
Looks like you are having a good time with your Grandaughter, Roxy.
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10-05-2021, 06:53 PM

Re: Over 50's Club Scotland (part 3)

Roxy hope you got your coffee and cake after shopping with your granddaughter. Bonnie it was good to meet up with them again, after 14 months. We're meeting up again next month for coffee and a chat.
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11-05-2021, 10:13 AM

Re: Over 50's Club Scotland (part 3)

Good morning ladies. Woke up at what I thought was 8 0 clock, to go to the toilet. Then found it was six, couldn't get back to sleep again. Washing done, bathroom cleaned and hoovered. Hairdressers shortly then my niece is coming down later.
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11-05-2021, 12:31 PM

Re: Over 50's Club Scotland (part 3)

Afternoon Girls, Bright n Breezy but still a flipping cold wind, it spoils everything as there's a good bit of heat in the sun and it would be lovely out if the wind beggered off.
Got a wash on the ropes but I'm stopping around just incase.
Have a nice day.
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11-05-2021, 01:14 PM

Re: Over 50's Club Scotland (part 3)

Same weather here Roxy. I brought the light washing as it was almost dry. Got my denims out on the line now.
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Pixie Knuckles
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11-05-2021, 01:22 PM

Re: Over 50's Club Scotland (part 3)

I would love to hang washing out, but the space is tiny and already filled with bins, so not particularly nice. Nothing like the smell of air dried sheets! I just use a clothes horse. It does the job. When the kids were here, I had a tumble dryer and my electric bills was enormous!
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11-05-2021, 02:43 PM

Re: Over 50's Club Scotland (part 3)

I have my washing out too, Jess. Wasn’t sure as it was lovely and sunny but then dark clouds again. Decided to leave it out as I was going to my Daughters to watch the children after school. Right decision so far. Forgot my specs apologies for typos appearing.
Enjoy the rest of your day girls !
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11-05-2021, 04:42 PM

Re: Over 50's Club Scotland (part 3)

Good afternoon ladies. Went for a walk along the prom with Elizabeth and sat there for a while enjoying the sunshine. Bonnie your typing is fine, enjoy the babysitting.
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12-05-2021, 05:42 AM

Re: Over 50's Club Scotland (part 3)

Morning All, Up and having my lemon water, getting ready for the pool and my lengths. Been raining most of the night but it's off now, hope it stays off. Calling in at Tesco on the way home for the messages, then it's dog walking and housework for yours truly. Have a good one.
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12-05-2021, 08:06 AM

Re: Over 50's Club Scotland (part 3)

Good morning Ladies! Mr P is enjoying his time at the office, and I am enjoying having my kitchen back, heh! I think its going to chuck it down later, but if I get the chance to nip to the allotment for a while, its all good.
Enjoy your day
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