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Lion Queen
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03-11-2018, 10:13 PM

Moving abroad - What will happen after Brexit

What do you think will happen after Brexit regarding people wanting to move from UK and go live in an EU Country such as Spain.
How do you think that will pan out?
Will we be able to get our pensions over there, will we be able to get medical treatment etc

I believe people who already live there should be ok after Brexit but what about people who would like to move to warmer climates?
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03-11-2018, 10:53 PM

Re: Moving abroad - What will happen after Brexit

Interestingly, a couple of our closest friends bought a small house in the Loire Valley several years ago which we have visited a few times.

They only use it as a holiday home and spend most of their time in their home in Huddersfield, although they have spent a great deal of time doing up their French house in various ways. Two wood-burning stoves being the latest addition.

They have also made some very good Frog-friends there!

I have asked them how they feel about Brexit, and whether they have made any enquiries about the future. They have not! In fact, they don't seem very worried about it at all.

I suppose that, like me, they are completely unaffected by all the Project Fear predictions.
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03-11-2018, 11:37 PM

Re: Moving abroad - What will happen after Brexit

Originally Posted by Lion Queen ->
What do you think will happen after Brexit regarding people wanting to move from UK and go live in an EU Country such as Spain.
How do you think that will pan out?
Will we be able to get our pensions over there, will we be able to get medical treatment etc

I believe people who already live there should be ok after Brexit but what about people who would like to move to warmer climates?
Certainly I will be interested to find out how Brexit will affect them as well as those from other parts of Europe living in Britain after March 2019.

Currency fluctuations affect ex pat pensioners badly. I knew a UK citizen living here who had to return to the UK permanently because their UK pension was insufficient to live on when our dollar was worth 70p (it is currently 54p). It must be very difficult for such people - I didn't know this person very well he was a member of an advisory group I belonged to but he was too old for PR and not eligible for our social security.

I suppose it now depends on whether sterling takes a dive after March or whether that is already built into the present value.
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04-11-2018, 07:10 AM

Re: Moving abroad - What will happen after Brexit


The UK is ending Free Movement, so that is also the end of Free Movement of UK Citizens to the EU.
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04-11-2018, 10:34 AM

Re: Moving abroad - What will happen after Brexit

I have no inside knowledge but I have assumed anyone already in other countries will be OK but new movers will have to do things legally with visas etc just like prior to us belonging to the eu. It may be harder for a while but once the government gets themselves into gear it'll work as before. I lived next door to spanish people over here for work in the 60s if we managed that then I can't see why we can't do it now.
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04-11-2018, 11:33 AM

Re: Moving abroad - What will happen after Brexit

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
I have no inside knowledge but I have assumed anyone already in other countries will be OK but new movers will have to do things legally with visas etc just like prior to us belonging to the eu. It may be harder for a while but once the government gets themselves into gear it'll work as before. I lived next door to spanish people over here for work in the 60s if we managed that then I can't see why we can't do it now.

If you live full time in the EU you will be fine to stay.

The EU will put on the same restrictions about UK Citizens moving to the EU as we do on EU Citizens moving to the UK.
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04-11-2018, 11:36 AM

Re: Moving abroad - What will happen after Brexit

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

If you live full time in the EU you will be fine to stay.

The EU will put on the same restrictions about UK Citizens moving to the EU as we do on EU Citizens moving to the UK.
Sounds fair to me.
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04-11-2018, 12:56 PM

Re: Moving abroad - What will happen after Brexit

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

If you live full time in the EU you will be fine to stay.

The EU will put on the same restrictions about UK Citizens moving to the EU as we do on EU Citizens moving to the UK.
The difference being that, although our government may nominally stop EU citizens moving here, in practice they are completely ineffective in doing so.
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04-11-2018, 03:53 PM

Re: Moving abroad - What will happen after Brexit

Well you should have ID cards then its not a problem

Same with the NHS if you had a card with all your details on then no problem

No card No treatment

It all works perfectly in our Police state here in Spain
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04-11-2018, 07:06 PM

Re: Moving abroad - What will happen after Brexit

Originally Posted by Vaniy ->
Well you should have ID cards then its not a problem

Same with the NHS if you had a card with all your details on then no problem

No card No treatment

It all works perfectly in our Police state here in Spain
I completely agree, although I wasn't aware that Spain was a police state!

Compulsory ID cards was something mooted in the UK some time ago and was rejected for some reason. Personally, I cannot understand what the objection could be.
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