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07-08-2020, 11:11 AM

Re: Frexit

Nigel Farage has said he would push for the abolition of HofL, Boris will never consider it.
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07-08-2020, 02:20 PM

Re: Frexit

Originally Posted by Cinderella ->
Nigel Farage has said he would push for the abolition of HofL, Boris will never consider it.
In four years' time I shall vote for Nigel.

By then, hopefully, we should be out of the EU and we really should be putting the country to rights.

Democratically elected judges as well.
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07-08-2020, 03:05 PM

Re: Frexit

A public veto to challenge choices made for a peerage. Someone has tried.
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07-08-2020, 03:12 PM

Re: Frexit

Originally Posted by Cinderella ->

A public veto to challenge choices made for a peerage. Someone has tried.
That didn't last long!

I wonder who ordered that petition to be closed. We're leaving the dictatorial EU, but are we becoming a dictatorial 'democracy'?

I don't agree with the Grauniad's politics, but they are absolutely right.
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07-08-2020, 03:19 PM

Re: Frexit

Alarming, it is.
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07-08-2020, 08:27 PM

Re: Frexit

I believe the unelected, senatorial model for a second chamber, as in Ireland, is in principle sound. Some mix of outstanding or significant citizens, chosen by occupation or location, would bring a different voice and viewpoint to hyper-metropolitan Westminster. Retired politicians can retreat to their clubs. Fresh voices, fresh faces, fresh outlooks are needed. The case for a House of Lords, or a house of somethings, remains convincing.
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07-08-2020, 08:58 PM

Re: Frexit

Yes, a second chamber is a good thing, a necessary thing.
It's just how it is composed that's important.

And 800+ is ridiculously large.
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27-01-2021, 01:06 AM

Re: Frexit

From Frexit to Italexit, eurosceptic leaders across the European Union are working hard to follow Britain outside of the Brussels bloc. Anti-EU campaigners in France, Italy and Spain are in talks to draft a joint manifesto and abandon the Brussels project once and for all.
Only themselves to blame.
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27-01-2021, 01:22 AM

Re: Frexit

Originally Posted by Cinderella ->

Only themselves to blame.

I'm sure the EU will collapse eventually, especially now that we have left. Others will see us make a success of it (I hope) and realise that their own independence is not only possible but also advantageous.

As I've said before, all empires fail eventually.
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07-05-2021, 09:33 PM

Re: Frexit

On Twitter Generation Frexit responded to the standoff by posting an article arguing France should leave the EU.

They tweeted: “This is what the EU negotiations lead to: more tensions between states and poverty for French fishermen.

“The EU is once again showing that it is incapable of protecting us and reaching meaningful agreements.”

In the article, posted on their website, Generation Frexit argued the EU is failing to stand up for French fishermen.

They said: “The agreements negotiated by the EU therefore do not protect our fishermen, they lead them to bankruptcy!

“France must intervene to prevent another social catastrophe.

“The EU shows once again that it is incapable of protecting us and of reaching meaningful agreements.

“We have only one choice: regain control of our diplomacy and renegotiate an agreement that allows our fishermen to make a decent living from their work.”
That's all any fishermen want, this latest spate is the failure of EU.
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