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24-07-2021, 09:03 PM

Re: The internet

Originally Posted by Lion Queen ->
The bit about sexuality that makes me feel sad is that my 11 year old nieces best friend is confused and doesn't know if she should be lesbian or heterosexual, I had a discussion with her that made me feel so sad that she isn't allowed to be a child and has the added worry of trying to decide what sexuality she is. After all 11 is still a child, had it not been so 'out there' perhaps she could have been playing out with her friends innocently.
Sadly, the pressure to decide your sexuality comes from all directions these days.
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24-07-2021, 09:06 PM

Re: The internet

Originally Posted by Longdogs ->
Sadly, the pressure to decide your sexuality comes from all directions these days.
Yes, people are getting it from both sides.
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24-07-2021, 09:06 PM

Re: The internet

Originally Posted by Harbal ->
That piece of information seems to have made a lasting impression on you, Minx. I don't know how prevalent the spreading of the going blind fallacy among children was, but you shouldn't assume that the kids took any notice.
Is it pick on Minx day today Harbal?
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24-07-2021, 09:08 PM

Re: The internet

Originally Posted by Lion Queen ->
The bit about sexuality that makes me feel sad is that my 11 year old nieces best friend is confused and doesn't know if she should be lesbian or heterosexual, I had a discussion with her that made me feel so sad that she isn't allowed to be a child and has the added worry of trying to decide what sexuality she is. After all 11 is still a child, had it not been so 'out there' perhaps she could have been playing out with her friends innocently.
On this point we agree LQ. My kids were not permitted social media until they were 16 and no boyfriend/girlfriend until schooling is over. The latter was my parents rule for my sisters and I which I agree with.
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24-07-2021, 09:09 PM

Re: The internet

Originally Posted by Longdogs ->
There are some bad sides to it. The less obvious thing are those on social media who ask if the Chippy is open (Get up off your a*** and have a look) or does anyone have any free stuff I can ponce.
Another bad side to it is when people on a certain social networking site don't realise that their settings are not tight enough, these are allowing all and sundry to read what is posted. I have seen a lot of rifts and family problems caused by someone reading something that otherwise would have been private.

The answer is obvious though, first make sure settings suit you and second, treat everything posted on the internet as having public access.
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24-07-2021, 09:10 PM

Re: The internet

Originally Posted by Harbal ->
Yes, people are getting it from both sides.
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24-07-2021, 09:11 PM

Re: The internet

Originally Posted by Minx ->
Is it pick on Minx day today Harbal?
Of course not, I will never pick on you, Minx.

I just noticed that you had mentioned the going blind thing a few times, and it seems to have disturbed you a bit. I was trying to put your mind at rest. I promise you, most of the kids who were told that didn't believe it for a moment.
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24-07-2021, 09:14 PM

Re: The internet

Originally Posted by Longdogs ->
No can do, LD, I've got my reputation to consider.
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24-07-2021, 09:14 PM

Re: The internet

Originally Posted by Harbal ->
Of course not, I will never pick on you, Minx.

I just noticed that you had mentioned the going blind thing a few times, and it seems to have disturbed you a bit. I was trying to put your mind at rest. I promise you, most of the kids who were told that didn't believe it for a moment.
It was worth the risk.
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24-07-2021, 09:15 PM

Re: The internet

Originally Posted by Minx ->
On this point we agree LQ. My kids were not permitted social media until they were 16 and no boyfriend/girlfriend until schooling is over. The latter was my parents rule for my sisters and I which I agree with.
sensible parenting, I wish more people would vet their childrens activity. Some of my own family members allow their children to have a fb account and tik tok and they are addicted.
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