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11-02-2021, 02:45 PM

Poor Crocodile just wants to cool off

Just one of those things we have to deal with as South Africans.
📍 Moedwil, North-West, South Africa

"I checked my cctv cameras around 04:30 am before going out to open up and feed my chickens, when i saw something large floating in my pool. I told my cat, Whiskas, "No no no it can't be", but yes it was, a +/-3m crocodile having a swim.

My first reaction you couldn't possibly print, for some reason i had a strong urge to put my flip flops on, like that could help.

I took a photo from the screen and sent it to the farm patrol whatsapp group asking for assistance. The control room operator then arranged to find people to assist in her (the crocodile) safe removal.
I went out to the patio which has glass doors on to keep an eye on the croc and rang my husband, he was on his way home from work, I told him there's a croc in the pool! I'm not sure he believed me, he was quiet surprised to say the least, and very excited when he arrived home.

While still watching from the safely of my patio (to make sure if the crocodile moved i could run back inside). It wasn't too long and the animal rescue people had arrived to perform the safe capture. It didnt take long at all from start to end.

Tracking back on my cctv she had arrived at 01:53am, and seem to have enjoyed her swim. We found tracks to the front corner of the property and watched her enter on the cam footage. She had come from the river, it's roughly 2km walk depending on her chosen route. Apparently crocodiles got out of somewhere in the past floods we had, I think it was 3yrs ago.

The crocodile was taken to an animal sanctuary close by where nature conservation where going to check on her. In my opinion the capture was done perfect and safe with no harm at all to the animal or any humans. I must applaud everyone for their awesome handling of the situation.

We are animal lovers and would never want any harm to come to the crocodile, but in saying that i never want any harm to come to humans either. I believe crocodile warning boards must be placed near or close to the river." - Angel Breytenbach
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11-02-2021, 02:55 PM

Re: Poor Crocodile just wants to cool off

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11-02-2021, 04:11 PM

Re: Poor Crocodile just wants to cool off

Crocs and alligators can get out almost as easily as they get in.

I sure wouldn't be standing by the edge of that pool!

Good people, though. Glad they ensured the well-being of the animal.
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11-02-2021, 05:08 PM

Re: Poor Crocodile just wants to cool off

I'd have been scared & certainly wouldn't have been that close to the pool.
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11-02-2021, 09:59 PM

Re: Poor Crocodile just wants to cool off

Oh MY GOD!......
We've had a frog, a couple of toads and regular visits from the local hedgehog, but Crocodiles.... it's one of the reasons I'm not going to put a pool in the backyard....

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