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18-12-2015, 01:13 PM

Misleading claims - again

In the spending review in and Autumn Statement our Pinocchio-like Chancellor said "we will spend £12 Billion more on capital investments, making faster progress to building the infrastructure our country needs"

Oh yeah?

Yes, he can claim to be increasing spending but on in relation to the reduced levels HE cut it to in order to boast as having reduced the deficit!

The 2009 - 2010 public investment - under a Labour Government - was £69 billion, or 4.9%of GDP.

Next year he's making it £65.2 Billion, or 3.4% of GDP and it'll remain at that level for the rest of this Parliament.

Minimal commitment to public investment could play into the hands of the eager Chinese, keen to invest in this country and the PFI companies too and is the ultimate false economy.
Downturns always, always result in the rug being pulled from under "foreign" investments; I've been made redundant twice because of that alone.

Osborne's move "next door" is obviously more important as this ploy enables him to predict a budget surplus but the county's being sold far too cheaply.

We have major hospitals with PFI debt in the Billions now which they can only continue to service by cutting the very things we ordinary folk need, services to NHS users but their debts and all the other PFI debts are NOT on the Government's book - so that's alright then is it?! stevmk2
Julie1962 is offline
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18-12-2015, 01:15 PM

Re: Misleading claims - again

It is all a bit of a farce really isn't it
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18-12-2015, 05:42 PM

Re: Misleading claims - again

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
It is all a bit of a farce really isn't it
Hello Julie.

It's all a bit more than a farce now.

Since this Government came into power I have been dismayed at just how many new measures or policies will hit the people traditionally known to be Labour or LibDem supporters.

Dave's jumping ship - we knew that but we have the prospect of Pinocchio Osborne waiting in the wings to take over as PM as if that's always been on the cards.

It probably was Conservative Party policy but I suspect that it was NOT what many floating voters understood when the main opposition voted for a sandal-wearing nonentity as leader.
God knows Blair and Brown were disastrous but Corbyn?!

Jeeez! I used to be a Labour Supporter but there is no way I'd EVER accept Corbyn any more than I accepted Foot - what a tosser he was!

My choice now is not clear but two things I do know for certain: - Labour are a waste of effin' space, UKIP are too much into bloody squabbles so it seems that Tim Farron's LibDems are my only option to the Conservatives' Juggernaut!

As the Crusaders were known to say, "God preserve us!" stevmk2

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