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12-02-2016, 06:29 PM

Private Health Insurance

Anyone looked into this? Any recommendations for insurance or is it better to self insure?
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21-01-2021, 10:34 PM

Re: Private Health Insurance

i have just signed up with lv for life insurence, i was looking at the sun life policy originally. i was speaking to brokers freedom to insure, i found them very helpful and informative and they set it up for me under no obligation.
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22-01-2021, 02:53 PM

Re: Private Health Insurance

Originally Posted by Lindyloo ->
Anyone looked into this? Any recommendations for insurance or is it better to self insure?
I've had a lot of NHS hospital treatment, and a lot of Private Insurance, as well.

My approach, now, in the event of my Doctor suggesting an operation, or other treatment, is as follows:-

1) Ask the Doctor to recommend a Private Hospital, whom he would recommend for the job.

2) Make an appointment & go and see that recommended specialist, discuss the process and price it up.

Price broken down into Treatment, Hospital & Bed, etc.

3) Consider the price and look at the ways of raising the money.

At the hospitals I have been to, there are adverts, on the walls, for interest free loans, etc

Other ways are Borrowing (not interest free), raising money off your property., etc.

Then there are the Private Insurers.

To sum up, treat the whole thing as a business venture.

Once you've done it you'll never go back!

You might save thousands by sitting there, with the Specialist, and talking through everything.

The Private Insurers, in my view, make a fortune because people are afraid of getting into the discussion.
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22-01-2021, 04:48 PM

Re: Private Health Insurance

Originally Posted by Lindyloo ->
Anyone looked into this? Any recommendations for insurance or is it better to self insure?
We had private health insurance when I worked in Italy because the Italian health service was crap* at the time.

* Quite literally with cats free to roam the wards looking for mice & rats to eat and defecating & urinating everywhere.
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24-01-2021, 11:46 AM

Re: Private Health Insurance

Originally Posted by Percy Vere ->
We had private health insurance when I worked in Italy because the Italian health service was crap* at the time.

* Quite literally with cats free to roam the wards looking for mice & rats to eat and defecating & urinating everywhere.
And that was the PRIVATE system was it Percy ??
And you paid !?!?

Donkeyman! 🤗🤗
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24-01-2021, 05:12 PM

Re: Private Health Insurance

Originally Posted by Donkeyman ->
And that was the PRIVATE system was it Percy ??
And you paid !?!?

Donkeyman! 🤗🤗
No Donks, that was their NHS. The private hospital we used in Rome (same one as used by NATO, UN, various international Quangos and NGOs, BBC, CNN, etc) was pristine.

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