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14-07-2017, 10:24 AM

Bacon And Lamb's Liver Suet Pie.

Morning everyone. Well, here is a first! Moi, always stocking up in the freezer, endless packets of Jusrol Shortcrust, Puff (and even one pack of Filo which haven’t found a use for yet) frozen pastry - actually made my own pie lid from scratch for only the third time in my 68 years. The first two times the pastry (or what was meant to be pastry) ended up in the bin. Now before you all slate me for saying this is a "Pie" when it is only a "Lid", I fully agree with you, but hey, I was given the recipe with the name of it at the top and I am only typing what I see!!

Harping back to the above though, I maintain that the reason I am unable to make good pastry that everyone else seems to find so easy to make is because I have lovely warm hands, and well, as every good pastry maker knows, warm hands make lousy pastry. Well it does in my case.

Anyway, I digress. This recipe that my SIL gave me was a doddle to make. She said even an idiot could make it. (what was she getting at?) so, because I had nothing planned for yesterday I gave it a go and boy, was I proud when this dish became the finished product. It now has pride of place at the top of my pie section in my recipe folder.
He who must obey absolutely loved it! I even received a rare complimentary “you can do that one again!”. YEAH!

So for any Lambs Liver fans out there, if you haven’t already tried this recipe before, give this one a go. It honestly tasted yum. I served it with creamy mash and cabbage. It didn’t need any more than those veg as it was lovely and filling.

What you will need:

400g of Lamb’s Liver
200g pack Streaky Bacon
2 tablespoons Plain Flour
2 tablespoons Olive Oil (I used vegetable oil)
1 Onion (peeled and thinly sliced)
1 Garlic clove (crushed and sliced) (I used some from my jar of Very Lazy Garlic)
150g Button Mushrooms
1 teaspoon freshly chopped Thyme (again, good ol’ jar of Shwartz to the rescue)
300 ml of either Lamb or Vegetable stock (must be hot)
125g Self-Raising Flour
70g Suet (had to run to supermarket to buy this one!)
Beaten Egg or Milk to glaze
Black Pepper (Forgot to buy, so used ordinary)

Preheat your oven to 350F / 180C / 160C Fan / Gas 4.

You will need a 1 pint pie dish.

Cut the Lambs Liver into strips about 1 cm thick
Cut the Streaky Bacon into strips about 1 cm thick
Toss the Liver strips in a little bit of Flour until lightly coated.
Heat the oil in a deep frying pan and quickly stir fry the Liver and Bacon until lightly browned. Remove from pan onto a plate.
Add the Onion and Garlic to the pan and cook until lightly coloured.
Add the mushrooms, stirring frequently for a few minutes.
Add the Thyme and the hot Stock.
Bring to the boil, stirring continuously.
Return the Liver and Bacon to the pan and stir to mix together.
Tip the mixture into the pie dish and leave to cool while making the pastry.


Using a mixing bowl, put in the Flour, Suet and a little seasoning and mix together.
Put in about 5 tablespoons of cold water (enough to make a soft but not sticky dough).
Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and gently roll into an oval shape slightly larger than the pie dish.
Dampen the rim of the pie dish and gently place the pastry over the filling and press the pastry to the rim to seal it.
Trim off any excess pastry and with the back of a fork, gently make a pattern all around the edge of the pie. Then make a hole in the middle of the pie to let the steam escape while cooking.
Brush with beaten egg or milk and sprinkle with the pepper
Bake for 30 - 35 minutes and serve straight away.

Well that’s it! One easy peasy dinner and two happy and satisfied recipients! Enjoy. Xx

This recipe can be found on the website Spoiltpig. I got the picture from there.

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