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29-10-2017, 12:09 AM

Trump's big beautiful wall

After decades of politicians promises to do something about illegal immigration across our Southern border, it is beginning to look as if, at long last, Pres Trump is going create "The Wall".

The United States has 2,000 miles (3220 Km.) of common border with Mexico. From across this border a Tsunami of people, 11,000,000 , have illegally crossed and taken up permanent residence.

California alone, has 3,200,000 illegal aliens. The cost to taxpayers beggars the imagination. The leftist Gov Jerry Brown has rammed through the state senate, laws which forbid any state employee from asking about citizenship. Thus, any illegal alien is able to acquire a valid drivers license, food stamps, low-cost housing, schooling for their children, free medical care, and voter registration cards.

As hard as it is to believe, illegal aliens can actually vote in not just state elections but also in federal elections. Herein, lies the primary reason why Democrats are so pleased to have all the illegal aliens. Latinos vote 85% democrat and only 15% republican.

To make matters worse the state of California has declared itself a sanctuary state. Thus, state officials are required to resist Federal authorities in their attempts to round up and deport illegals.

Madness ! Shear madness.
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29-10-2017, 12:20 AM

Re: Trump's big beautiful wall

Where did your forebears come from bakerman ?
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29-10-2017, 01:12 AM

Re: Trump's big beautiful wall

[quote=bruv;1263211]where did your forebears come from bakerman ?

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29-10-2017, 01:55 AM

Re: Trump's big beautiful wall

While I am for cracking down on illegal immigrants and streamlining the legal process that will bring needed skilled workers and their families here, this wall is an embarrassment and an utter waste of money that needs to be spent on our decaying infrastructure.

How soon we forget the Berlin wall.
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29-10-2017, 02:32 AM

Re: Trump's big beautiful wall

Originally Posted by Surfermom ->
While I am for cracking down on illegal immigrants and streamlining the legal process that will bring needed skilled workers and their families here, this wall is an embarrassment and an utter waste of money that needs to be spent on our decaying infrastructure.

How soon we forget the Berlin wall.

Oh, for God's sake, Surfer. The Berlin wall was made to KEEP PEOPLE LOCKED IN, BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN.

The Mexican wall is meant to keep millions of illegals OUT.

There is absolutely no comparison.

It's not just Mexicans. It also includes Hondurans, Guatemalans, Nicaraguans, El Salvadorans, Russians (yes, Russians. They are picked up every day illegally crossing), Africans and a host of other countries too numerous to list.

And, I might add, some of the most viscous gangs to ever exist. Gangs which routinely smuggle young girls into the U.S. to serve as forced prostitutes. So, unless you support human trafficking, you too should support the building of the wall.

Any people who do not have the will to enforce it's borders, do not deserve a country.

Far from being embarrassed, I'm going to be proud of the wall.
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29-10-2017, 05:07 AM

Re: Trump's big beautiful wall

To the mods: should probably be moved to Politics under "Discussions". Apologies for my font, just trying to quickly differentiate from B'mans comments.

Originally Posted by bakerman ->
Oh, for God's sake, Surfer. The Berlin wall was made to KEEP PEOPLE LOCKED IN, BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN.

`Cool heads prevail...

The Mexican wall is meant to keep millions of illegals OUT.

There is absolutely no comparison.

Missing my intention, but I did not elaborate. The point is that the wall, like every other, will fail. People most determined to immigrate, will/have come whether the wall is there or not. The key is how to ensure that immigrants contribute to the economy, pay taxes, become visible, and do not become a burden on the system once they get here. For example, my children are legal immigrants. For us to sponsor them, we had to sign an agreement that they would not make claims for government for a minimum of five years. It is the same for legal adults. If they attempted to apply for any services, their Social Security numbers would trigger denials.

It's not just Mexicans. It also includes Hondurans, Guatemalans, Nicaraguans, El Salvadorans, Russians (yes, Russians. They are picked up every day illegally crossing), Africans and a host of other countries too numerous to list.

Is your problem with their nationality or their legality?

And, I might add, some of the most viscous gangs to ever exist. Gangs which routinely smuggle young girls into the U.S. to serve as forced prostitutes. So, unless you support human trafficking, you too should support the building of the wall.

Following your logic, supporting the funding for highways, airports, shipping ports, etc. is a nod for supporting human trafficking.

To your other point, there is no question that there is disproportionate representation of Latinos in gangs, but this is a home-grown problem. The worst gangs, including M-13 was birthed here in the U.S., not in Central America. In fact, many people fleeing here are trying to GET AWAY from gang violence in their own countries. There is no reason to believe the wall stop or even slow down gang membership or crime among by illegals. Don't get me wrong; this is a big problem, but the wall and gangs in the US are largely separate issues.

Far from being embarrassed, I'm going to be proud of the wall.

I would argue that the crux of this issue is finding the most effective, economically prudent, and judicially sound way to manage the problems associated with the costs of illegal immigration. If the wall prevents 10 percent of illegal immigrants from coming in, it will pay for the wall construction (excluding maintaining) it within two decades. The problem is that the costs of illegal immigration are soaring, the path to legal immigration is too difficult and lengthy, and countries with emigration problems are economically and judicially unsound. This wall is being presented as a panacea that will prove largely ineffective and is a cost that would be better spent elsewhere.
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29-10-2017, 05:32 AM

Re: Trump's big beautiful wall

So, Surfer, you believe doing NOTHING is better than trying something. Don't you care one tiny bit about human trafficking ?

P.S. M-13 comes from Central America NOT the U.S. But they are sure here NOW, thanks to people who do NOTHING.

Right now, this very minute, I could walk over to the current wall, along the San Ysidro/Mexican border, near the TJ airport, and actually step over it. Not climb over it; step over it.

I live just a few hundred yards from the border. I see illegals crossing the border every single day.

Why does Surfer want to move my thread ? She wants to hide it !
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29-10-2017, 05:45 AM

Re: Trump's big beautiful wall


Hmm. So, come one, come all. Open the borders. Tear down the fence. Free ride here in the U.S. Vote democratic. Yippie !
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29-10-2017, 05:51 AM

Re: Trump's big beautiful wall

Congratulations, Surfermom. You don't like my thread and you got it moved to where fewer people will see it.
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29-10-2017, 06:51 AM

Re: Trump's big beautiful wall

Originally Posted by bakerman ->
Congratulations, Surfermom. You don't like my thread and you got it moved to where fewer people will see it.
Bakerman, your thread has been moved to the Political section as it is a political subject - it would have been lost amongst the General Chat threads.
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