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18-01-2015, 11:06 AM

old age doesn't come itself

Whilst walking and chatting to one of the walkers yesterday, he sounded really disappointed in his body. He'll be 60 this year. Slim. Has started running again. Obviously fit enough. But he went on to say how disappointed he was recently. They've discovered he has high pressure in his eyes. So it's eye drops daily from now on. He's developed a inguinal hernia, so he's having an op soon. He's been bothered with his prostate, so is having tests done. I think he feels let down by his body. But, hey, he's almost 60. I don't think many people get by 50 without aches and pains. Do they?
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18-01-2015, 11:21 AM

Re: old age doesn't come itself

I know what you mean, one of our friends is moaning all the time and seems to take it personally his body is changing and doesn't work like it used to, daft really the alternative to aging is death so I know which I prefer
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18-01-2015, 11:25 AM

Re: old age doesn't come itself

I had no idea what this thread meant from the title but now I can see it's about ageing, yes it gets more noticeable in your 50's.
Unfortunately it's as natural as breathing.
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18-01-2015, 11:27 AM

Re: old age doesn't come itself

I think some of us are lucky Alice and, for one reason or another, get away with few ailments in our earlier lives. Then, when time catches up with us and things start to go wrong, we take it harder than those who have had the misfortune to have been ill before.
I know that keeping yourself in good shape is important, and helps; but I also know of many people who exercised regularly and who now have chronic pain in hips, knees or other parts of their bodies.
I think we forget sometimes that our bodies are wonderful machines but that over time they get old and worn. We expect our cars to deteriorate after, say, fifteen years, but hope our bodies will go on forever. At least I did. As I have aged, so my body has shown me how foolish a notion that is.
So to answer your question, no I don't think many older people get by without aches and pains. I certainly don't.
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18-01-2015, 11:29 AM

Re: old age doesn't come itself

I have lots of little things wrong with me but you get on with it.
As you said the alternative is death and I aint going that way yet.
I love old age as I don't have to rush around like a mad woman
doing the cleaning, looking after the kids, caring for everyone
and not myself. This is my time now and I let everyone know that
it was and everyone appreciated the fact that at last I was putting
myself first. Age is a number not a sentence. Life is what you make it.
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18-01-2015, 11:34 AM

Re: old age doesn't come itself

I guess itīs the "luck of the draw" or down to genetics when it comes to age related health problems. There are people here in their 80s and 90s who appear to be healthier than many much younger people, perhaps itīs due to the climate, I donīt know. One of my close friends is a super-fit athlete, quite famous in her field, she turned 60 in October, has the body of a 16 year old, obsessive about fitness and even when over here she trains every day, goes to yoga and the gym virtually every day. A couple of months ago she got a huge unpleasant shock, she has a DVT in her left leg. So being super-fit obviously doesnīt save you from all ills. My friendīs husband too was (is) an athlete, he still trains but mostly now he trains others. Pete is now 62 and in the past 4 years has had knee operation and cancer. Both of them had knee operations, Cath in her early 30s, Pete in his 40s and again in his 50s. Perhaps trying to stay super-fit is not such a good idea !
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18-01-2015, 11:36 AM

Re: old age doesn't come itself

I definitely think it's luck of the draw.
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18-01-2015, 11:36 AM

Re: old age doesn't come itself

We are dying from the day we are born really. It's always there and the increase in things going wrong as you get older is a constant reminder.
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18-01-2015, 12:19 PM

Re: old age doesn't come itself

Yep im afraid its all you oldies fault you just keep hanging on far to long dragging the health service down with all your ailments. We dont mind you handing in loads of cash while your young to keep it going. But its a bit cheeky expecting to collect on it in later life.

Im a fully fit Diabetic, Depressive with Heart disease, Neuropathy,Tinnitus, 2 bad backs, failing eyesight and Arthritic hands.

Do you hear me complaing about my lot? Bloody well yes, yoof is wasted on the young.
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18-01-2015, 01:21 PM

Re: old age doesn't come itself

[QUOTE=Nom;594272]Yep im afraid its all you oldies fault you just keep hanging on far to long dragging the health service down with all your ailments. We dont mind you handing in loads of cash while your young to keep it going. But its a bit cheeky expecting to collect on it in later life.

Im a fully fit Diabetic, Depressive with Heart disease, Neuropathy,Tinnitus, 2 bad backs, failing eyesight and Arthritic hands.

Two backs, Nom? Don't wish to probe, but that must be a rarity?
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