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28-07-2021, 04:40 PM

IMF Predicts the UK will beat the Eurozone in economic surge

Brexit Britain is set to out-grow the Eurozone in 2021 and 2022*according to new forecasts from the International Monetary Fund, putting yet another crimp into the doom and gloom fantasies of embittered pro-EU activists across Britain
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28-07-2021, 05:23 PM

Re: IMF Predicts the UK will beat the Eurozone in economic surge

Yes, good news.

To be honest, though, I suspect that rather than us being especially efficient it is more a case of the EU being especially inefficient!

After all, there is a collection of 28 (sorry, 27) separate countries each working for its own good, but not particularly supportive of its fellow members. In addition, they are all obliged to financially support an inefficient (and quite likely corrupt) organisation which controls what they may and may not do.
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28-07-2021, 05:56 PM

Re: IMF Predicts the UK will beat the Eurozone in economic surge

Yes, l saw that report too,not seems our recovery from shutdowns
and unexpected expenditure is proceeding at above average pace
among the nation's Bread !!
Can we keep it up?
We have a problem with finding enough labour to supply both
highly skilled jtachnical staff , and can't even find people to pick
vegetables etc either !!
Our economy has become completely unbalanced with our reliance
on the financial sector and retail ?
Anyway. good news l believe !!

Donkeyman! 👍👍👍

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