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30-08-2019, 09:35 AM

EU travel after 31 Oct

Serious question - what will the travel restrictions be post no deal Brexit?
(This is not a pro/con merits or otherwise of Brexit thread, please.)
I know dozens of people who live in EU countries but very regularly, weekly in some cases, travel to the UK for work using a UK passport. As I understand the situation, unless you have a right of residency certificate you can only travel under a tourist visa - with significant constraints on travel flexibility.
Plus, while some have rights of residency permits in their EU country, may (France for example) have got EU citizen rights of residency permits. These are clearly not valid when the UK is out of the EU.
So what's the story for regular work travel?
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30-08-2019, 10:33 AM

Re: EU travel after 31 Oct

Probably best to enquire on the French side of the channel. I'm quite sure if you have a British passport, you will be allowed into the UK at any time.
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30-08-2019, 03:04 PM

Re: EU travel after 31 Oct

.There's an article here which may help a little..
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30-08-2019, 04:13 PM

Re: EU travel after 31 Oct

Thanks for that, much appreciated. I'd seen the article before and its a pity it does not provide much info on how the EU will treat regular travelers as a tourist visa won't be much use.
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30-08-2019, 06:31 PM

Re: EU travel after 31 Oct

Gascony, there is a more in-depth article by the BBC if it helps. > news > world-europe-46841041

If the link doesn't work. the article is headed

Brexit: How would no deal affect UK citizens in the EU?

and the article is dated 7 August 2019 by Laurence Peter.

It does cover quite a bit.
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30-08-2019, 08:06 PM

Re: EU travel after 31 Oct

Originally Posted by gascony ->
Serious question - what will the travel restrictions be post no deal Brexit?
(This is not a pro/con merits or otherwise of Brexit thread, please.)
I know dozens of people who live in EU countries but very regularly, weekly in some cases, travel to the UK for work using a UK passport. As I understand the situation, unless you have a right of residency certificate you can only travel under a tourist visa - with significant constraints on travel flexibility.
Plus, while some have rights of residency permits in their EU country, may (France for example) have got EU citizen rights of residency permits. These are clearly not valid when the UK is out of the EU.
So what's the story for regular work travel?
We have to deal with the ideology first. Nitty gritty like will we be refused entry at LHR because the data has not been keyed into our passports comes later.
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31-08-2019, 05:30 AM

Re: EU travel after 31 Oct

All that has to happen IS

Get An ESTA.

They do it in America.

No problem
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11-09-2019, 04:01 AM

Re: EU travel after 31 Oct

Won't change for me, I just turn up and they give me a 90 day visa. No problem.

That's a pretty good service I think, if you just turn up at Australia's border you either get put on the next plane out or go into immigration detention..Every visitor needs to get a visa before they arrive.
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11-09-2019, 06:41 AM

Re: EU travel after 31 Oct


There is no EU wide scheme, every individual EU Country will set it's own rules as regards residency and employment.

Tourist travel is not an issue.
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12-09-2019, 08:48 PM

Re: EU travel after 31 Oct

Gives basic information on travel
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