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05-01-2021, 08:22 PM

Taking down Decs

Tradition dictates we should be taking down our decs tonight ,as it is twelfth night .
Well you know what ,I am not going to to , those pretty lights , ,cards And all else , have frankly kept me going over this period where I could not see my darling family .
Mine are not coming down till Candlemas February 2nd ,blow tradition ,these are truely horrible times we are in .
What say you ?
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05-01-2021, 08:38 PM

Re: Taking down Decs

Because we have childminding duties with our wee granddaughter, she helped us to put up our tree and decorations early on in December this year. For that reason, we are glad to stay with tradition and she helped us to take the decorations down today. The place does look a bit bare though, but well get used to it again, I am sure.
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05-01-2021, 08:44 PM

Re: Taking down Decs

They were talking about this on the news tonight, and saying the same as you Apricot, that we neednt take them down for 40 days and Candle as.

Personally, I don't think I would want them up all that time, but we must all do whatever suits us best, no harm done either way, so good luck to you.
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05-01-2021, 08:58 PM

Re: Taking down Decs

Originally Posted by APRICOT ->
Tradition dictates we should be taking down our decs tonight ,as it is twelfth night .
Well you know what ,I am not going to to , those pretty lights , ,cards And all else , have frankly kept me going over this period where I could not see my darling family .
Mine are not coming down till Candlemas February 2nd ,blow tradition ,these are truely horrible times we are in .
What say you ?

Good for you Apricot if it cheers you up. Tradition might dictate it, but I think it's a personal choice.

For me, I've always take them before the 12th night just because I get fed up of them.

This year, they came down the day after Boxing Day. I've never taken them down so early before
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05-01-2021, 09:02 PM

Re: Taking down Decs

It whatever makes you happy that matters Apricot, I like it too, I was a bit miffed when I came down on Sunday morning to my husband proudly announcing he had saved me a job and taken down the decs! If it were up to me I wouldn't mind having them up all year round, they have a way of making me feel all warm and happy.

I hate when they come down, my room looks so bare.

So you leave them up as long as you see fit lass, good on ya.

Merry Christmas!
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05-01-2021, 11:21 PM

Re: Taking down Decs

My Christmas decorations consist of four Xmas cards on my windowsill. Tradition dictates that I leave them there until mid March, when I will replace them with four birthday cards. The birthday cards will probably stay on the windowsill for a similar length of time. For anyone interested in tradition, this one came about out of an inability to be bothered to take them down.
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06-01-2021, 12:15 AM

Re: Taking down Decs

Thank you for all your hearting replies
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06-01-2021, 12:31 AM

Re: Taking down Decs

I took mine down yesterday & it looked so bare.

Amongst other things I had about 200 snowflakes to peel off the windows & stick them back on their special cards - took me ages!!

However - after a good clean up & everything back in it's place it was nice to have my home back the way it was.

It all gets dusty & tired looking after a while. Not sorry to see them go.
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06-01-2021, 12:32 AM

Re: Taking down Decs

Mine went the day after Boxing Day.

Snipping all the cable ties holding the lights on the screen door is a bugger but the Christmas tree took about two minutes to get back in its box for next year
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06-01-2021, 12:46 AM

Re: Taking down Decs

Mine came down on New Years Eve - Christmas is soooo last year!
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