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07-07-2021, 09:35 AM

London reclaims top trading status from Amsterdam.

That didn't last long

London has reclaimed its crown as Europe’s largest share trading centre after it was dethroned by Amsterdam in the wake of Brexit.

The UK capital’s share of the European market, where about €40bn of deals are completed a day, has steadily risen in recent months thanks to the resumption of UK trading in Swiss stocks.

Swiss equities were reintroduced in London after the UK’s departure from the EU, in the first significant split from EU policy on financial services.

An average of €8.9bn of share deals changed hands every day on London-based exchanges and trading venues in June, compared to €8.8bn on Dutch venues, according to data from Cboe Global Markets. It was the first time London had been the most active destination since leaving the single market in January.

London’s fightback provides an early boost for the City, as UK chancellor Rishi Sunak prepares a series of changes to London’s share trading rules to make the capital more competitive.
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Percy Vere
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07-07-2021, 04:19 PM

Re: London reclaims top trading status from Amsterdam.

Originally Posted by Bread ->
That didn't last long
Those changes Rishi will be proposing has already got the EU's finance ministers' knickers in a twist and made getting "equivalence" even more unlikely.
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07-07-2021, 04:30 PM

Re: London reclaims top trading status from Amsterdam.

Originally Posted by Percy Vere ->
Those changes Rishi will be proposing has already got the EU's finance ministers' knickers in a twist and made getting "equivalence" even more unlikely.

As you rightly say, the EU are already jittery.
Shame for them, innit?
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09-07-2021, 09:19 AM

Re: London reclaims top trading status from Amsterdam.

Originally Posted by Percy Vere ->
Those changes Rishi will be proposing has already got the EU's finance ministers' knickers in a twist and made getting "equivalence" even more unlikely.
I dunno why the EU think they have some sort of world presence in financial markets.... France is way back in something like 7th place and Frankfurt is about 26th.

The UK is second (or first depending on which way you look at it) and the EU think they can tell us what to do.

The EU tail wagging the UK dog ? I don't think so

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