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07-07-2021, 09:02 PM

Interesting stuff ....

Project Fact: The UK 🇬🇧 is a sovereign nation capable of governing itself but could not progress with any independent trade policies whilst inside the EU.

The UK is now free to link to faster-growing global economies, with the EU becoming less and less important as a % of world economic activity with each passing year.

For example:
Taiwan's economy is now 18.2% larger than Poland's
Indonesia's economy is now 14.4% larger than the Netherlands
Uruguay's economy is now 47.0% larger than Latvia's
Ghana's economy is now 13.9% larger than Croatia's

Morocco's economy is now 5.4% larger than Slovakia's
Vietnam's economy is now 18.1% larger than Finland's
Philippines economy is now 2.6% larger than Denmark's
Thailand's economy is now 11.8% larger than Austria's

Rwanda and Ethiopia have been growing at around 10% a year since the year 2000.

Commonwealth member Malaysia's economy is set to leapfrog EU member state Denmark's this year (IMF, nominal GDP, April 2021)

2021 GDP Growth Projections:
+9.5% India
+8.2% United Kingdom
+5.0% France
+4.2% Italy
+3.3% Germany

Industrial production in the United Kingdom increased +27.5% year-on-year in April 2021, the biggest increase ever.

The IMF forecasts the UK economy to outperform Germany's every year between now and 2026 when their forecasts stop.

The UK exported 40% more goods last year to the United States than to the EU powerhouse economy of Germany.

In the three months to April this year, non-EU Switzerland was the UK's #2 goods export market in the world after the USA. UK goods exports to the Swiss reached £10.449bn during the period, up +201.3% on the three months to January 2021. (HMRC)

For the first time in the Food & Drink Federation’s reporting, exports to Non-EU markets exceeded those to the EU.

Q1 2021 UK exports of food and drink to:
UK–NORWAY: +33.6%
UK–CHINA: +28.2%
UK–JAPAN: +6.2%

We will finally see the long term effects and benefits to the UK of 🇬🇧 and 🇪🇺 going their separate ways, rather than relying on "Leave" economic theory and forecasts.

#GlobalBritain #readytotrade

Source: Time4Cannock, CountryEconomy

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