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23-06-2021, 07:46 PM

Re: e-Scooters

Where mobility scooters are mentioned my mind always goes to Madge off Benidorm for some perverse reason. Now there's a Frood-ess who REALLY knows where her towel is!
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23-06-2021, 07:59 PM

Re: e-Scooters

Originally Posted by Dodge ->
The question about why are other countries e-scooter riders have a better attitude then the UK riders could be two fold. 1) the police in the other countries are more strict enforcing their laws and thus riders are more well behaved so as not to fall foul of the law and 2) police enforcing the laws in the UK are virtually non existent. The UK police are re-active when it comes to crime rather than pro-active and this affects the mindset of the population. If people knew the police would actively enforce the law on e-scooters, people would not purchase them because they know they would lose money once the police confiscate the e-scooter. The fact the police in many counties ignore the riders is why so many are breaking the law.
Indeed. The police seem to do far less than they used to do when I was young and that, in my opinion, is why crime is high and probably on the increase.

In turn, the courts seem to be more lenient on crime. This may actually encourage the police not to become involved in such things. Why bother if nothing will happen to the criminals?
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23-06-2021, 08:24 PM

Re: e-Scooters

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Indeed. The police seem to do far less than they used to do when I was young and that, in my opinion, is why crime is high and probably on the increase.

In turn, the courts seem to be more lenient on crime. This may actually encourage the police not to become involved in such things. Why bother if nothing will happen to the criminals?
According National Statistics crime is decreasing.

Total police recorded crime decreased by 8% to approximately 5.6 million offences, driven by falls during the periods of national lockdown, particularly April to June 2020 and mainly theft offences.

There was an 11% fall in offences involving firearms and 9% fall in offences involving knives or sharp instruments (knife-enabled crime), driven by substantial decreases in the April to June 2020 period.

The number of homicides decreased by 12%, however, when the single incident that took place in Grays, Essex, in October 2019, when the bodies of 39 migrants were found in a lorry is excluded, homicides show a 6% decrease (625 offences).
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23-06-2021, 09:47 PM

Re: e-Scooters

Originally Posted by Besoeker ->
According National Statistics crime is decreasing.

Total police recorded crime decreased by 8% to approximately 5.6 million offences, driven by falls during the periods of national lockdown, particularly April to June 2020 and mainly theft offences.

There was an 11% fall in offences involving firearms and 9% fall in offences involving knives or sharp instruments (knife-enabled crime), driven by substantial decreases in the April to June 2020 period.

The number of homicides decreased by 12%, however, when the single incident that took place in Grays, Essex, in October 2019, when the bodies of 39 migrants were found in a lorry is excluded, homicides show a 6% decrease (625 offences).
Ah, recorded crime! I'm not going to stick my neck out and suggest that the police don't bother with a lot of crime, but it is quite possible for the reasons I mentioned.
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24-06-2021, 07:31 AM

Re: e-Scooters

The point where nuisance becomes a crime has always been dubious.
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24-06-2021, 08:44 AM

Re: e-Scooters

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Indeed. The police seem to do far less than they used to do when I was young and that, in my opinion, is why crime is high and probably on the increase.

In turn, the courts seem to be more lenient on crime. This may actually encourage the police not to become involved in such things. Why bother if nothing will happen to the criminals?
What I believe is needed in this county is what happened a few years' ago in Manchester, I think it was – zero tolerance by police.

I couldn't find details on that but did find the news item below. Yes, it's some years' ago (2008) and is a DM article but reading the details of how it actually worked and solved the problem, is what I believe is needed now all over this country.

Worth a read just to see the difference it made, it is also more or less how policing used to be. Now all this has changed we see the results in reasonably minor crimes being almost ignored, which I am sure is leading to more serious crimes. Criminals 'get away' with it once, so go on to do it again and probably increasingly more seriously.
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24-06-2021, 10:30 AM

Re: e-Scooters

Originally Posted by Baz46 ->
What I believe is needed in this county is what happened a few years' ago in Manchester, I think it was – zero tolerance by police.

I couldn't find details on that but did find the news item below. Yes, it's some years' ago (2008) and is a DM article but reading the details of how it actually worked and solved the problem, is what I believe is needed now all over this country.

Worth a read just to see the difference it made, it is also more or less how policing used to be. Now all this has changed we see the results in reasonably minor crimes being almost ignored, which I am sure is leading to more serious crimes. Criminals 'get away' with it once, so go on to do it again and probably increasingly more seriously.
I agree with you. A zero tolerance approach would benefit us all... well, except for the criminals of course.

However, this would need to be supported by the courts. None of this 'slap on the wrist' suspended sentences. The criminals just laugh at them and, because Treason May decimated police numbers, they know that there is far less chance of them being caught anyway.
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24-06-2021, 11:54 AM

Re: e-Scooters

There is no point in asking the police to enforce the laws if there are no sanctions in place against those who break them.

In many cases, reporting a crime seems necessary to get a crime number for insurance claims.
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24-06-2021, 12:39 PM

Re: e-Scooters

Originally Posted by Dextrous63 ->
There is no point in asking the police to enforce the laws if there are no sanctions in place against those who break them.

In many cases, reporting a crime seems necessary to get a crime number for insurance claims.
I have said many times that our courts seem to turn a blind eye to criminal activity and award pointless, and to the criminals laughable, punishments.

I can well understand any police who think, "Why the hell should I bother?"
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24-06-2021, 12:48 PM

Re: e-Scooters

Originally Posted by JBR ->
I have said many times that our courts seem to turn a blind eye to criminal activity and award pointless, and to the criminals laughable, punishments.

I can well understand any police who think, "Why the hell should I bother?"
More often than not they don't say that, instead to them it's their job to uphold the law and arrest those they suspect of breaking the law. It's then up to the courts to do their job and mete out the appropriate punishment to the wrongdoers. It must be very destructive to police morale though, to see criminals continually 'getting away with it', but then they can be arrested time and time again, until those in the courts do actually see them for what they are and punish them adequately.
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