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12-10-2016, 10:26 AM

Do You Have Your Electric Blanket Checked?

Recently, l saw that my local authority/Fire Service/Trading Standards offered free electric blanket checks at my local library, so l rang them and made an appointment. l have owned my Morphy Richards electric blanket for about four years and only use it when it is really cold and it looks in really good condition.
Anyway, l took it for the check last week and l was shocked that it was failed! The reason was, that the control switch was breaking up inside! The man said, there was a wire in the switch that could electrocute me! He said, he had seen this fault many times on previous models of Morphy Richards electric blankets and was surprised it had never been modified.
On returning home, l emailed Morphy Richards to ask if l could purchase a replacement control switch, they said they no longer manufactured them. They, offered me a replacement electric blanket at a discounted price. I looked on Amazon and their price was cheaper than the discounted price!
I asked for the head of the company's name and contact address and on googling it, l found his email address. I sent him an email, relating the problem with my electric blanket and why it had failed. I also mentioned how dangerous the switch had become and l could have been electrocuted.
Yesterday, someone from the company rang me and they are sending me a replacement blanket, free of charge!
How lovely of them!

So, l wondered....Do you have your electric blanket checked?
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12-10-2016, 10:42 AM

Re: Do You Have Your Electric Blanket Checked?

I quite literally threw my electric blanket out of the window years ago.

I now occasionally use a thermostatically controlled heat pad (from Boots)which has three settings.
If it's a freezing cold night I might leave it on no.1 all night!

It was like this folks...I was sitting up in bed one day reading, and the blanket was on underneath me.
I felt a prickling sensation on my bottom which I ignored for a few moments until it became quite persistent.
I thought I'd sat on an insect which was stinging me!
I shifted my position and looked down to see a little flickering flame!!! Yikes!! I leapt off the bed, grabbed the blanket, tore it off the bed and ripped out the plug and threw it all out of the window pdq.

And no, I had never sent it away to be serviced...I doubt many people ever did.

I believe the modern ones cut out now before they get to the stage of setting you on fire!
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12-10-2016, 10:56 AM

Re: Do You Have Your Electric Blanket Checked?

Originally Posted by Artangel ->
Recently, l saw that my local authority/Fire Service/Trading Standards offered free electric blanket checks at my local library, so l rang them and made an appointment. l have owned my Morphy Richards electric blanket for about four years and only use it when it is really cold and it looks in really good condition.
Anyway, l took it for the check last week and l was shocked that it was failed! The reason was, that the control switch was breaking up inside! The man said, there was a wire in the switch that could electrocute me! He said, he had seen this fault many times on previous models of Morphy Richards electric blankets and was surprised it had never been modified.
On returning home, l emailed Morphy Richards to ask if l could purchase a replacement control switch, they said they no longer manufactured them. They, offered me a replacement electric blanket at a discounted price. I looked on Amazon and their price was cheaper than the discounted price!
I asked for the head of the company's name and contact address and on googling it, l found his email address. I sent him an email, relating the problem with my electric blanket and why it had failed. I also mentioned how dangerous the switch had become and l could have been electrocuted.
Yesterday, someone from the company rang me and they are sending me a replacement blanket, free of charge!
How lovely of them!

So, l wondered....Do you have your electric blanket checked?
Any excuse to get a fireman in your bedroom.
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12-10-2016, 11:11 AM

Re: Do You Have Your Electric Blanket Checked?

Originally Posted by Longdogs ->
Any excuse to get a fireman in your bedroom.
Yes, Longdogs, How did you guess!!

I could tell the man that checked my electric blanket was a fireman, as they have that look! It's the same with the police, I can always tell with them too!

Ruthio, What a fright that must have been. I bet you now know what it's like to be a Kentucky Fried Chicken.....sizzling hot!
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12-10-2016, 04:31 PM

Re: Do You Have Your Electric Blanket Checked?

Might be a good idea to buy an RCD and plug your electric blanket into that
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12-10-2016, 04:47 PM

Re: Do You Have Your Electric Blanket Checked?

I've never had an electric blanket, Art, - they terrify me!! - and after reading the above posts I'm not likely to buy one in the near future, either!
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12-10-2016, 05:58 PM

Re: Do You Have Your Electric Blanket Checked?

I've never used and electric blanket but I do take my duvitt in to the local fire station once a year to have the TOG level checked.
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12-10-2016, 06:04 PM

Re: Do You Have Your Electric Blanket Checked?

Originally Posted by Artangel ->
Recently, l saw that my local authority/Fire Service/Trading Standards offered free electric blanket checks at my local library, so l rang them and made an appointment. l have owned my Morphy Richards electric blanket for about four years and only use it when it is really cold and it looks in really good condition.
Anyway, l took it for the check last week and l was shocked that it was failed! The reason was, that the control switch was breaking up inside! The man said, there was a wire in the switch that could electrocute me! He said, he had seen this fault many times on previous models of Morphy Richards electric blankets and was surprised it had never been modified.
On returning home, l emailed Morphy Richards to ask if l could purchase a replacement control switch, they said they no longer manufactured them. They, offered me a replacement electric blanket at a discounted price. I looked on Amazon and their price was cheaper than the discounted price!
I asked for the head of the company's name and contact address and on googling it, l found his email address. I sent him an email, relating the problem with my electric blanket and why it had failed. I also mentioned how dangerous the switch had become and l could have been electrocuted.
Yesterday, someone from the company rang me and they are sending me a replacement blanket, free of charge!
How lovely of them!

So, l wondered....Do you have your electric blanket checked?
Which just goes to show that if one has a genuine concern it is a good idea to complain (politely) and, failing any reasonable response, go higher up.

I have done the same on a number of occasions, though not regarding electric blankets!

In your case, especially with that report from the fire service, you had an excellent and unassailable case.
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12-10-2016, 06:27 PM

Re: Do You Have Your Electric Blanket Checked?

If it has the right fuze in the plug should have no problems.
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12-10-2016, 06:34 PM

Re: Do You Have Your Electric Blanket Checked?

Originally Posted by galty ->
If it has the right fuze in the plug should have no problems.
Perhaps, but the fuse is there to protect the cable rather than the appliance.

I have learnt that much from an excellent 'electricians' forum' (which must remain nameless)!

An RCD, however, would be a good idea, as suggested earlier.
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