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15-12-2012, 08:50 AM

Re: Yet another slap in the face for smokers

Some years ago, I enquired about private health cover and was asked if I smoked. I said that I enjoyed the occasional cigar on special occasions. I was told that I was considered to be a smoker and the premiums were very high.

OK, I said, then I'm not a smoker, but I work in a small office where everyone else smokes so I'm constantly breathing in their smoke. That was OK, I wasn't a smoker so the premiums would be much lower.

Smoke if you like. The tax you pay will cover your medical bills. But please, don't assume that other people want to smell your cigarettes.
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15-12-2012, 09:37 AM

Re: Yet another slap in the face for smokers

I'm an non-smoker. I was SO PLEASED when no smoking laws were introduced to get this filthy toxic habit out of public places. I remember a trip to Switzerland which doesn't have these laws and trying to eat a meal when someone lit up in the room and I nearly threw up. I'm so glad the UK finally seen the light and put this disgusting habit outside. I would like it to go further and ban it from open public places as well, like they do in New York.

They can't tax smoking high enough for me. Using plain wrappers should be repalced with full colour graphics of smoke-diseased organs. Anyone who wants to smoke should have to buy a permit which limits the extent of their medical treatment as it slowly kills them.

If people want to smoke, they can pay for it, do it somewhere a thousand miles from me and not burden the health system for their self-inflicted diseases
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15-12-2012, 10:53 AM

Re: Yet another slap in the face for smokers

So, Graham, I take it you don't approve of smoking, but do you also feel the same about freedom of choice?
Would you ban deep fried pizza slices, fish & chips etc..? Would you sell cream cakes in wrappers showing pictures of morbidly obese people? Would you slap on an extortionately high 'fat tax'?

I don't like cigarettes, and I don't like being near anyone who smokes them, but as long as they don't annoy anyone, it's up to them and I defend their right to keep on puffing.

The American writer & broadcaster, Garrison Keillor, wrote a witty short story about 'the last smoker in America' - an amusing read.
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15-12-2012, 12:37 PM

Re: Yet another slap in the face for smokers

Originally Posted by oldbugger ->
My use of the NHS? Excuse me, I pay my health insurance and use private health care so if I do become ill due to my smoking, I am paying for it - in both senses of the word.
Fine, it's not my worry the NHS is not my health system.
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15-12-2012, 12:44 PM

Re: Yet another slap in the face for smokers

Originally Posted by Graham ->
I'm an non-smoker. I was SO PLEASED when no smoking laws were introduced to get this filthy toxic habit out of public places. I remember a trip to Switzerland which doesn't have these laws and trying to eat a meal when someone lit up in the room and I nearly threw up. I'm so glad the UK finally seen the light and put this disgusting habit outside. I would like it to go further and ban it from open public places as well, like they do in New York.

They can't tax smoking high enough for me. Using plain wrappers should be repalced with full colour graphics of smoke-diseased organs. Anyone who wants to smoke should have to buy a permit which limits the extent of their medical treatment as it slowly kills them.

If people want to smoke, they can pay for it, do it somewhere a thousand miles from me and not burden the health system for their self-inflicted diseases
Rather hysterical and over the top there Graham I thought, live and let live a little don't you think? Apart from the odd whiff of smoke as you pass someone in the street it really can't affect you that much, does it...

Regarding your last paragraph, as I said earlier smokers do pay for their treatment for their self inflicted health issues via the enormous level of taxation on cigarettes and tobacco that they pay over their lifetimes, and they also usually pay the ultimate price but that is their choice to make...
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15-12-2012, 12:53 PM

Re: Yet another slap in the face for smokers

I am an ex smoker have now got COPD, and had a heart attack. I have Atrial Fibrillation for which I was prescribed Amiodorone which kept my heart rate regulated, unforunately it also damaged my thyroid gland and I am now morbidly obese, which has led to borderline diabetese,and umbilicle hernia, unable to operate on until life or death scenerio. Perhaps I shouldn't have smoked but perhaps someone should have listened when I told them regularly for over 3 yrs about my weight gain, which even a blind man could see. I rarely eat fried foods bread, chocs, never cakes or sugar. Please don't assume every fat person eats all the fatty foods cos I don't and never did, though I was never slim. Mum said I was normal till I was 4, don't know quite what she meant by that.
But I'm not complaining my poor old heart keeps lolloping on and everybody agrees I'm very healthy for a sick person. They think I should have more pain, sorry if I dissappoint them.
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15-12-2012, 01:03 PM

Re: Yet another slap in the face for smokers

Originally Posted by plantman ->
Rather hysterical and over the top there Graham I thought, live and let live a little don't you think? Apart from the odd whiff of smoke as you pass someone in the street it really can't affect you that much, does it...
Actually Plantman in my case it does, if I'm near any kind of smoke I set off coughing, it's awful coming out of the hospital but I don't complain it's my own fault, but it doesn't make it any easier when you can't breathe for coughing and you know people are looking at you cos your face is going blue, it's even worse when they come over fag in hand to ask if your OK.
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15-12-2012, 03:13 PM

Re: Yet another slap in the face for smokers

Originally Posted by Mollie ->
I totally agree with all you've said, OB. The NHS is flooded every week with alcohol related accidents, incidents and illnesses, most especially by binge drinkers over the weekends, filling up already busy A&Es, throwing up everywhere and abusing the hospital staff - not by cigarette smokers. Also, hospitals in this country are dealing more and more with alcohol abuse than smoking related illnesses.

Also, it's highly unlikely you'd get a smoker peeing in your garden on the way home, or getting their old man out in full view and peeing up the wall of the pub they've just come out of.

Drunks are also more likely to cause accidents on the roads either by driving under the influence, or swaying into the road and getting hit; whereas cigarette smokers don't get stopped whilst driving to be given a breath test and there is still NO PROOF that the smoke from a cigarette can cause harm to others, whereas the fumes from an exhaust pipe can cause very serious harm to babies in buggies which are at exhaust level and which contain more carcinogens that cigarette smoke.

Life is a lottery. I knew of an old man who started smoking at age 13 and lived to be 97 and suffered no bronchial or heart disfunctions.

A darling friend of mine smoked from age 15 and she died at 77 - from bowel cancer.

I've never suffered from shortness of breath, coughing or any other so-called tell-tale signs, which doesn't mean I'm safe, but we've all got to die of something!
Too bloody right.

My ex-mother-in-law started smoking when she was 16 and she'll be 91 next month.

She is still as sharp as a knife and apart from having a triple heart bypass earlier this year, which the doctors admitted was probably down to other things as well and not just smoking, she's in good health with just a bad hip and legs (not caused by smoking).

She's like you Mollie, no cough, shortness of breath or anything.

On a recent check up she had last week the doctor told her she was in great health in terms of her heart and lungs despite smoking two packs a day of full strength Marlboros for almost 75 years.

Very true - life is a lottery - I'd rather go out of it with a whiskey in one hand and a cigarette in the other than running on a treadmill or something.
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15-12-2012, 05:50 PM

Re: Yet another slap in the face for smokers

Originally Posted by plantman ->
Apart from the odd whiff of smoke as you pass someone in the street it really can't affect you that much, does it...
I'm afriad it does. I am fairly healthy, but cigarette smoke sets me into an eye-watering hacking coughing fit. I find the smell offensive, more so when I am forced to be in close proximity to it. I just get offended when people light up near me.

As for food and drink, I feel the same way. If you are going to drink or eat to excess to the point of causing damage to yourself, then you either pay extra for your resultant treatment or you live with the consequences.

I am supportive of those who need help to change their lifestyle to return to health, but I have no time for those who feel its their right to eat/drink/smoke themselves into hospital and/or expensive treatment programmes at the taxpayer expense with no intention of giving up their own self-destuctive lifestyle.
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15-12-2012, 05:59 PM

Re: Yet another slap in the face for smokers

Originally Posted by Graham ->
I'm afriad it does. I am fairly healthy, but cigarette smoke sets me into an eye-watering hacking coughing fit. I find the smell offensive, more so when I am forced to be in close proximity to it. I just get offended when people light up near me.

As for food and drink, I feel the same way. If you are going to drink or eat to excess to the point of causing damage to yourself, then you either pay extra for your resultant treatment or you live with the consequences.

I am supportive of those who need help to change their lifestyle to return to health, but I have no time for those who feel its their right to eat/drink/smoke themselves into hospital and/or expensive treatment programmes at the taxpayer expense with no intention of giving up their own self-destuctive lifestyle.
What an extremely self righteous attitude and I'll have you know I was a taxpayer too, not everyone sits on their a##s#s and gets fat, I walked my dogs 4 times daily and I spent the last 17 yrs cleaning (hardly a sedentry occupation) but the likes of you would turn up their nose without knowing a damned thing about it and say Oh she brought it on herself. I have had 1 wk in hospital after birth of baby, 1 wk after removal of ovarian cyst then nothing till I was 59 when I had a heart attack so I was not before and am not now a drain on the NHS. Mind your halo doesn't strangle you, it might be that causing your cough.
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