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Uncle Joe
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30-01-2016, 09:06 AM

Incompetent Osborne and 'Google' tax liability

This is what Google SHOULD have paid against what they actually did pay. Osborne and Cameron both said what Google had paid "was a good deal for the country". £135 million against over £800 million is not a good deal to my mind.
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30-01-2016, 09:39 AM

Re: Incompetent Osborne and 'Google' tax liability

It says in the report those were the figures for 2005- 2011 UJ. The nasties only gained power in coalition with the Liberals in 2010. How much did the previous government manage to extract from Google?
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30-01-2016, 09:42 AM

Re: Incompetent Osborne and 'Google' tax liability

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
This is what Google SHOULD have paid against what they actually did pay. Osborne and Cameron both said what Google had paid "was a good deal for the country". £135 million against over £800 million is not a good deal to my mind.
Well good for Osborne at least he got them to pay something and maybe next time get them and others to pay more.

Think this great Government we have at last should be applauded over this.
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30-01-2016, 10:11 AM

Re: Incompetent Osborne and 'Google' tax liability


It is a credit that the present Government have got Google to pay this money.

It is an historical problem and the fact remains that the previous government collected nothing.

I view this as a housekeeping exercise, clear out the historical issues and start with a clean sheet.

I will be very annoyed if we do not collect far more tax from them in the future.

I am a one man boycott of Google and Amazon, the tax avoidance offends me.

I can get the same goods elsewhere and do not pay more, sometimes I get them cheaper.
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30-01-2016, 02:33 PM

Re: Incompetent Osborne and 'Google' tax liability

Originally Posted by scot37 ->
It says in the report those were the figures for 2005- 2011 UJ. The nasties only gained power in coalition with the Liberals in 2010. How much did the previous government manage to extract from Google?
Can you not answer this question Unce Joe or do you choose not too?
Uncle Joe
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30-01-2016, 04:56 PM

Re: Incompetent Osborne and 'Google' tax liability

Originally Posted by scot37 ->
Can you not answer this question Unce Joe or do you choose not too?

Taxation policy for those who are not very conversant with it:

Companies are permitted to pay tax two, three or even four years in arrears, depending on the anniversary date of their tax year. Thus tax owed in 2005 probably wouldn't be audited and appropriate tax returns submitted until 2008/2009 and therefore subsequent years would also be reflected in this manner. Cameron & Osborne doing 'sweetheart' deals with large corporate companies to 'fiddle' their tax is a despicable way of collecting it, hence my reason for highlighting the disparity between what they actually paid against what they should have paid.
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30-01-2016, 05:13 PM

Re: Incompetent Osborne and 'Google' tax liability

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
Taxation policy for those who are not very conversant with it:

Companies are permitted to pay tax two, three or even four years in arrears, depending on the anniversary date of their tax year. Thus tax owed in 2005 probably wouldn't be audited and appropriate tax returns submitted until 2008/2009 and therefore subsequent years would also be reflected in this manner. Cameron & Osborne doing 'sweetheart' deals with large corporate companies to 'fiddle' their tax is a despicable way of collecting it, hence my reason for highlighting the disparity between what they actually paid against what they should have paid.
You are still not telling us how much the previous government extracted from Google in tax between 2005 and 2010
Uncle Joe
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31-01-2016, 08:42 AM

Re: Incompetent Osborne and 'Google' tax liability

So now we know, - this is why Cameron is so reluctant to push Google to pay even more. I wonder if he has an 'off-shore' account here too???
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31-01-2016, 09:24 AM

Re: Incompetent Osborne and 'Google' tax liability

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
So now we know, - this is why Cameron is so reluctant to push Google to pay even more. I wonder if he has an 'off-shore' account here too???


Please continue to shoot yourself in the foot UJ, you expose the left wing for what they are.

Incompetent , uncaring and totally devoid of any financial sense at all.

Your justification for the Labour Government not collecting any tax from Google for 5 years was that Google could present their accounts years in arrears.

So what, Google have been making profits for years when Labour was in power, and Labour collected nothing, preferring instead to tax the average worker.

Some simple facts, the Tories are collecting more tax from the big Companies than Labour ever did.

The average worker is paying less tax than they did under Labour.

The Minimum Wage is rising faster under the Tories than it ever did under Labour.

The Tories are taxing the Rich £6 Billion a year more than Labour did by changes to Tax Relief for higher rate pension contributions.

Which part of this do you not understand?
Uncle Joe
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31-01-2016, 09:30 AM

Re: Incompetent Osborne and 'Google' tax liability

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

Please continue to shoot yourself in the foot UJ, you expose the left wing for what they are.

Incompetent , uncaring and totally devoid of any financial sense at all.

Your justification for the Labour Government not collecting any tax from Google for 5 years was that Google could present their accounts years in arrears.

So what, Google have been making profits for years when Labour was in power, and Labour collected nothing, preferring instead to tax the average worker.

Some simple facts, the Tories are collecting more tax from the big Companies than Labour ever did.

The average worker is paying less tax than they did under Labour.

The Minimum Wage is rising faster under the Tories than it ever did under Labour.

The Tories are taxing the Rich £6 Billion a year more than Labour did by changes to Tax Relief for higher rate pension contributions.

Which part of this do you not understand?

Thank you Cameron's apologist, now tell me why the 'nasty party' are lobbying the EU???

"Treasury ministers have told the European commission that they are “strongly opposed” to proposed sanctions against Bermuda, a favoured shelter for Google’s profits and one of 30 tax jurisdictions in Brussels’s sights".
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