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01-02-2016, 10:56 AM

Corbyn and the EU


Corbyn has shot our negotiations down.

I have no objections to EU Workers coming here, we need them.

What I do object to is the fact that they are immediately paid in work benefits when they have not contributed any where near enough to fund those benefits.

This means that we are sending money abroad which we need here to protect our own.

Corbyn wants that to happen, so much for his defence of the lowest paid workers.

This has been seized upon by the EU Negotiators, making any chance of a deal in our favour so much more difficult.

So much for Corbyn being the defender of the lowest paid.
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01-02-2016, 03:56 PM

Re: Corbyn and the EU

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->
So much for Corbyn being the defender of the lowest paid.
He isn't and never has been. Like most (if not all) of the current Labour Party elite, they hold the UK working class in contempt and would rather help out corporate capitalism by importing cheap labour from abroad than by investing in our own population. As a result of this new "economic imperialism", we are harming poorer countries by siphoning off their skilled workers while forcing down wages at home. Corbyn and his allies are deluded ultra-liberals not socialists.

Still - if he inadvertently damages our chances of staying in the EU - great!!!

In fact, far from being the great humanist Corbyn presents himself as, he pretty much hates all of humanity - at least according to a Parliamentary Motion that he, John McDonnell and the late Tony Banks put forward in 2004. The motion pronounced humanity to be ‘obscene, perverted, cruel, uncivilised and lethal’ and ‘looks forward to the day when the inevitable asteroid slams into the Earth and wipes them out thus giving nature the opportunity to start again’.
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01-02-2016, 04:03 PM

Re: Corbyn and the EU

The negotiations are a total farce anyway, Cameron is asking for nothing that will make one iota of difference to our relationship with Europe, and after this pathetic charade is completed, should the British be stupid enough to vote to stay in, we will continue to be treated with the same utter contempt that Cameron is being treated to now.
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01-02-2016, 07:19 PM

Re: Corbyn and the EU


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