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Hi Gibbs I don't mind sacrificing my privacy 'for the greater good'.
I realise doing so could have negative implications if we had a dictatorship in this country, but at this time that is something I am prepared to accept.
Hackers can remotely activate cameras and microphones on devices, without the owner's knowledge, log keystrokes, install malware, copy documents and track locations among other things, the Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) was told.
Every breath you take, every move you make, they'll be watching you .....
I doubt they would find much to interest them in my computers and if it means they can find would be terrorists then I am all for it. Anything that helps route out those who want to kill or abuse is fine by me.
I still remember those marvelling, "The internet is free! You can register your name free of charge! It's a gift!" I also remember my reply, "No, it's not." I didn't know what was in store ..... BUT I knew it wasn't going to be "free", I knew it wasn't a "gift".