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Uncle Joe
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14-02-2016, 10:16 AM

Osborne's own tax liabilities

Seems the 'family' company owned by Osborne has itself been deficient in paying corporation tax for the past seven years!!!

Somewhat embarassing don't you think???
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Alan Cooke
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14-02-2016, 10:58 AM

Re: Osborne's own tax liabilities

As soon as I read your article I knew that the company would reply with the words ' We're paying what is required of us' or words to that effect and I was right.
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14-02-2016, 11:57 AM

Re: Osborne's own tax liabilities

They probably are. Most companies do. The law needs to be changed if you don't like it. They would be pretty stupid to pay more than the Revenue asked them for.

It takes a particular nasty type of dedicated fanatic to spend all their time online, raking around the lower end of the newspaper market looking items of news to spin to relieve their hatred of a section of the electorate. Don't you think?
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14-02-2016, 12:03 PM

Re: Osborne's own tax liabilities

Who made the law exempting Tory MPs and their backers from paying tax?
Uncle Joe
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14-02-2016, 12:05 PM

Re: Osborne's own tax liabilities

Its not hard, and doesn't require hours of trawling newspaper stories, - these barstewards are so nasty, that within a matter of minutes, almost on a daily basis can I find news of the next 'nasty party' scandal.
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14-02-2016, 12:12 PM

Re: Osborne's own tax liabilities

Not in the Tory press Uncle Joe.
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14-02-2016, 12:27 PM

Re: Osborne's own tax liabilities

Originally Posted by Rainmaker ->
They probably are. Most companies do. The law needs to be changed if you don't like it. They would be pretty stupid to pay more than the Revenue asked them for.
I agree, who would pay more than they have to in tax, blame the law not the company paying tax.
Uncle Joe
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14-02-2016, 12:29 PM

Re: Osborne's own tax liabilities

Originally Posted by Meg ->
I agree, who would pay more than they have to in tax, blame the law not the company paying tax.

But then who wrote the bloody law in the first place - the barstewards in the 'nasty party' - that's who!!!
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14-02-2016, 12:57 PM

Re: Osborne's own tax liabilities

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
But then who wrote the bloody law in the first place - the barstewards in the 'nasty party' - that's who!!!
Oh I quite forgot UJ, the only government to make tax laws is the present one, they didn't exist before did they
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14-02-2016, 01:00 PM

Re: Osborne's own tax liabilities

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
But then who wrote the bloody law in the first place - the barstewards in the 'nasty party' - that's who!!!
What's matter Joe don't like the truth? Suck it up as you would say. You know as well as I that the tax legislation is produced by every government not just the Conservatives and Companies have to comply with it or face the consequences.
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