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Uncle Joe
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18-02-2016, 09:54 AM

Idiotic DWP

The uncaring and idiotic DWP and its staff.
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Mr Ploppy
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18-02-2016, 10:10 AM

Re: Idiotic DWP

I just wish, they'd put you up there for a change. But then I might have to listen or read about some other whingeing pom on the forum.
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18-02-2016, 10:21 AM

Re: Idiotic DWP

The family filled in a form saying he needed help with almost all aspects of his daily life, but were shocked to get a letter ordering him to attend a face-to-face meeting or risk losing his benefits.
So what is the problem, everyone who claims faces standard test to make sure they are eligible , I see nothing wrong with that.

And before anyone says anything, when my husband was alive he had to have face to face meetings to prove he was eligible for invalidity benefit after he was partially paralysed and was unable to walk . We also had random checks at home to make sure we wasn't working and I didn't mind at all because these checks are there to help make sure only those who are eligible get the support .

So no the DWP staff are not idiots they are doing their job.
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18-02-2016, 10:34 AM

Re: Idiotic DWP

Shocked at the replies to this thread especially the first one. The lack of compassion shown is unfortunately what is "normal" it seems these days!
Uncle Joe
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18-02-2016, 10:41 AM

Re: Idiotic DWP

Originally Posted by TessA ->
Shocked at the replies to this thread especially the first one. The lack of compassion shown is unfortunately what is "normal" it seems these days!

Tes Tessa darlin', but I'm capable of 'rising above it'. However, I will continue to 'rub people's noses in it' to show what these scumbag 'nasty party' members are capable of.
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18-02-2016, 10:44 AM

Re: Idiotic DWP

Originally Posted by TessA ->
Shocked at the replies to this thread especially the first one. The lack of compassion shown is unfortunately what is "normal" it seems these days!
Tessa I get sick of reading articles which have no sensible foundation and are written just to inflame hatred between political groups.

It is nothing to do with 'a lack of compassion'
on the contrary I would rather the DWP did the job they were supposed to do so that only those eligible received benefits, that way there might be more funds available to those who really need them .

If no checks are done how is anyone to know, peoples circumstances change for the better and sometimes the worse so checks need to be made.
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18-02-2016, 10:51 AM

Re: Idiotic DWP

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
Tes Tessa darlin', but I'm capable of 'rising above it'. However, I will continue to 'rub people's noses in it' to show what these scumbag 'nasty party' members are capable of.
UJ you just want an excuse to use the words 'scum bags' and 'nasty party' every day

I suppose you would prefer it if no checks were made and the whole country was allowed to claim benefits.

The 'scum bags' are those who claim benefits to which they are not entitled , I have met a few over the years (though personally I would not refer to anyone as a 'scum bag' ) .
Uncle Joe
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18-02-2016, 11:15 AM

Re: Idiotic DWP

Originally Posted by Meg ->
UJ you just want an excuse to use the words 'scum bags' and 'nasty party' every day

I suppose you would prefer it if no checks were made and the whole country was allowed to claim benefits.

The 'scum bags' are those who claim benefits to which they are not entitled , I have met a few over the years (though personally I would not refer to anyone as a 'scum bag' ) .

Meg there are ways of checking on the veracity of claims AND acting compassionately at the same time. I was at one time a member of the Tribunal and sat in judgment of many claims. I also represented hundreds of claimants before those same Tribunals so I do know the system.

Since his appointment as Secretary of State, IDS's idealogy and actions have permeated the whole of the DWP and they are now nothing more than 'little hitlers' wielding their power at the behest of IDS and his cohorts.
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18-02-2016, 11:20 AM

Re: Idiotic DWP

No one suggested that no checks should be done, surely common sense and empathy should tell them that a person with no limbs is not faking disability. The least they could have done was check with the Gp or arranged a home interview.
By the way, I just had a very positive reply from my Tory MP about women's pensions, which shows they're not all bad. Just hope he and others like him can influence the others.
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18-02-2016, 11:51 AM

Re: Idiotic DWP

Originally Posted by TessA ->
No one suggested that no checks should be done, surely common sense and empathy should tell them that a person with no limbs is not faking disability. The least they could have done was check with the Gp or arranged a home interview.
By the way, I just had a very positive reply from my Tory MP about women's pensions, which shows they're not all bad. Just hope he and others like him can influence the others.
Tessa there must be thousands of people in a similar situation or worse who would like a home visit . You can't make an exception for one person you would have to do it for for all who requested it.
That would probably mean people having to wait even longer for claims to be processed because so many staff were travelling backwards about doing assessments.

I would think that in some cases visits are arranged with the help of a GP but the onus is the the person seeking a claim to arrange it.

I find it sad when hatred of a political party causes people to look for things to criticise all the time and to let prejudice
colour all their views .
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