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Uncle Joe
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23-02-2016, 02:26 PM

Inconvenient truths for George Osborne's Northern Power House

Oh dear - seems the Northern Power House was just another scam and failure!!!
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23-02-2016, 02:59 PM

Re: Inconvenient truths for George Osborne's Northern Power House

Do u read the links you put up?

Well done to the North East for having well over 10k new business last year.

Many will sadly fail but most will go on to grow and employ people.
Uncle Joe
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23-02-2016, 03:06 PM

Re: Inconvenient truths for George Osborne's Northern Power House

Originally Posted by galty ->
Do u read the links you put up?

Well done to the North East for having well over 10k new business last year.

Many will sadly fail but most will go on to grow and employ people.

You seem to have (conveniently???) overlooked the first paragraph of the article:

Chancellor George Osborne's Northern Powerhouse is a regional flop, new figures reveal.
More start-up companies were launched in just one London postcode than in all the towns and small cities in Yorkshire, statistics reveal.
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23-02-2016, 05:31 PM

Re: Inconvenient truths for George Osborne's Northern Power House

Well done to those who have managed to start a business but it doesn't sound like a resounding success and of the readers polled 97 percent said it had failed.
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23-02-2016, 06:23 PM

Re: Inconvenient truths for George Osborne's Northern Power House

Just another Con soundbite with no evidence, mind in the interest of balance blair and brown shafted the north in favour of money pit London exactly the same.
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23-02-2016, 07:09 PM

Re: Inconvenient truths for George Osborne's Northern Power House

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
You seem to have (conveniently???) overlooked the first paragraph of the article:

Chancellor George Osborne's Northern Powerhouse is a regional flop, new figures reveal.
More start-up companies were launched in just one London postcode than in all the towns and small cities in Yorkshire, statistics reveal.
I did not overlook the first paragraph if fact I read the whole left wing biased article.

I don't except that over 10k new business starts is something to be sneered at.

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