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Uncle Joe
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28-02-2016, 10:20 AM

Benefit fraud

For the past few years, the 'nasty party' and mass media have been trumpeting that there is a high degree of 'fraud' being perpetrated by benefit claimants, and claimants have been regularly demonised both by the 'nasty party' and the mass media, that many people know someone next door or along their street who is (illegally) in receipt of benefit.

It would seem that the amount of 'alleged' fraud is miniscule, since 89% of those reported fraud cases, turn out to be false allegations.
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28-02-2016, 10:41 AM

Re: Benefit fraud

Yes people have their own agenda - very spiteful
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28-02-2016, 10:52 AM

Re: Benefit fraud

That's awful but I am wiling to bet it will still be trumpeted by many many people as reasons for cuts.
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28-02-2016, 02:01 PM

Re: Benefit fraud

It's tiny.
Older git
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28-02-2016, 02:07 PM

Re: Benefit fraud

My first job as a civil servant was working in a benefit office in Birmingham(OK I was on a fast track but we had to get some in). There were a few fraud cases but most `wrong claims` were due to the claimant not understanding all the forms or a cock up in processing it. And that was 1980-plus ca change
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28-02-2016, 02:14 PM

Re: Benefit fraud

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
For the past few years, the 'nasty party' and mass media have been trumpeting that there is a high degree of 'fraud' being perpetrated by benefit claimants, and claimants have been regularly demonised both by the 'nasty party' and the mass media, that many people know someone next door or along their street who is (illegally) in receipt of benefit.
The upshot been that your so called 'nasty party' have investigated bogus claims made by spiteful people who dob others in ... and so they should, investigate them I mean.

Scroungers exist.
I know one who I could write a book about.
Less of the 'illegality' and more of a case of knowing perfectly how to play the system so managed to avoid working for a good ten years.
Her attitude stinks ..
As she often said .. 'The government should not get off scot free .. benefits were there for people to claim and she was owed it'.
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28-02-2016, 02:18 PM

Re: Benefit fraud

A very easy but clever way of justifying the cuts they make.

It's the same story with unfettered immigration. Georgie boy, with the full backing of Call Me Dave, will fight tooth and nail to ensure our borders remain wide open because their belief is that they need the tax revenue of millions of migrant workers here to ensure the economic recovery stays on course.

The dire consequences it has caused with Housing, Services and Education for the indiginous people of this country is of little consequence to them as they feel it is a price worth paying. After all, the misery caused by constant cuts to vital services and benefits generally only effect the working class of this country, hardly Tory voters!!
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28-02-2016, 02:44 PM

Re: Benefit fraud

Originally Posted by shropshiregirl ->

It's the same story with unfettered immigration. Georgie boy, with the full backing of Call Me Dave, will fight tooth and nail to ensure our borders remain wide open because their belief is that they need the tax revenue of millions of migrant workers here to ensure the economic recovery stays on course.

The dire consequences it has caused with Housing, Services and Education for the indiginous people of this country is of little consequence to them as they feel it is a price worth paying. After all, the misery caused by constant cuts to vital services and benefits generally only effect the working class of this country, hardly Tory voters!!
So true. But don't forget that it was the Red Tories - New Labour and Blair who championed and enabled mass immigration. The Blue Tories simply followed their lead.
Older git
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28-02-2016, 02:55 PM

Re: Benefit fraud

I may be one of a few who actually followed up a benefit fraud case-we did a `speculative domicillary visit` We went round on the off chance.
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28-02-2016, 03:57 PM

Re: Benefit fraud

Originally Posted by MickB ->
So true. But don't forget that it was the Red Tories - New Labour and Blair who championed and enabled mass immigration. The Blue Tories simply followed their lead.
You certainly won't get any argument from me on your post MB
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