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02-03-2016, 08:30 AM

Conservatives tearing themselves apart.


With months still to go, the Conservative Party is deeply divided about the EU.

I had hoped, stupidly, that we could have had a reasoned debate between the Inners and outers.

It has now descended into the usual school playground antics and mud slinging that we see so often in Parliament.

They seem more interested in fighting amongst themselves and positioning themselves for who will replace Cameron than presenting a logic argument for either In or Out.

There are some very right wing people arguing for out.

Ian Duncan Smith, who wants to ban the Unemployed and people under 25 from having a Vote, and my local MP, who wants to abolish the Minimum Wage when we leave the EU to improve competitiveness.

The Stay In bunch just treat us like children, do what we say etc.

The mudslinging between the two sides is disgusting.

If they continue like this, they may well split.

That does not bode well for the future,

We may end up with a Labour win at the next Election and a Marxist Prime Minister.

That does not bode well for the future either.

If they want to fight amongst themselves, then swan off back to the Junior Common Room and don't involve the rest of us.
Uncle Joe
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02-03-2016, 08:34 AM

Re: Conservatives tearing themselves apart.

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

With months still to go, the Conservative Party is deeply divided about the EU.

I had hoped, stupidly, that we could have had a reasoned debate between the Inners and outers.

It has now descended into the usual school playground antics and mud slinging that we see so often in Parliament.

They seem more interested in fighting amongst themselves and positioning themselves for who will replace Cameron than presenting a logic argument for either In or Out.

There are some very right wing people arguing for out.

Ian Duncan Smith, who wants to ban the Unemployed and people under 25 from having a Vote, and my local MP, who wants to abolish the Minimum Wage when we leave the EU to improve competitiveness.

The Stay In bunch just treat us like children, do what we say etc.

The mudslinging between the two sides is disgusting.

If they continue like this, they may well split.

That does not bode well for the future,

We may end up with a Labour win at the next Election and a Marxist Prime Minister.

That does not bode well for the future either.

If they want to fight amongst themselves, then swan off back to the Junior Common Room and don't involve the rest of us.

Didn't I predict just this only a couple of weeks ago and was shouted down by yourself and the other 'nasty party' members???

If the 'nasty party' do split and destroy themselves - BRING IT ON!!!
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02-03-2016, 09:49 AM

Re: Conservatives tearing themselves apart.

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
Didn't I predict just this only a couple of weeks ago and was shouted down by yourself and the other 'nasty party' members???

If the 'nasty party' do split and destroy themselves - BRING IT ON!!!
Yes they are making it easier, will be interesting to see.
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02-03-2016, 09:58 AM

Re: Conservatives tearing themselves apart.

'twas ever thus, wasn't it? Or at least as long as I can remember, from when Heath signed UK up to the then Common Market, through Margaret Thatcher, then John Major, who was paralysed by the whole EU debate and his problems with The Bastards and now, when they are in power again, it's landed in Cameron's lap.

Tories can't do Europe, Labour reputedly can't do economics (I think there are cogent arguments that that isn't actually the case, but it is *what everyone knows*, so it is the theme music)

Looks like we're stuffed then, unless and until the whole political system changes but that's about as likely as a 100% veggie christmas - so the turkeys won't be rushing to try to bring about those changes
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02-03-2016, 09:59 AM

Re: Conservatives tearing themselves apart.

What did we expect. Unlike the left-wing zombies who just do as they're instructed by the leader, the Conservative party has people who think for themselves. When you give people a chance to say what they think they invariably say it, most of the Conservative MPs would accept this and a few may not. But when it's all blown over they'll all be bosom buddies again united in doing what's best for this country.

It was inevitable that faced with a decision like this the ones who want to stay in, would fight for what they believe in and use every means at their disposal including David Cameron. There's nothing wrong with this and we need to be warned about the dangers that lie ahead if we leave the EU. That's not scaremongering that's just telling it how it is.

Speaking as a Conservative voter who would like to see us come out I only wish the leave campaign would emphasise reasons to come out, instead of whingeing on about how unfair it all is. Doing that implies that you don't have an argument of your own. There are plenty of strong enough arguments for coming out but the out campaign don't seem to have leaders who will express these. In addition they need to point out the drawbacks of staying in. The trouble is the out campaign has no real leadership, the only men making any reasonable arguments as Boris Johnson.

I wouldn't worry too much about the Conservative party, whatever the result, when it's all decided, they'll be back together again doing what they do best.
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02-03-2016, 10:39 AM

Re: Conservatives tearing themselves apart.

At present most people are getting their information from the BBC news which I find totally biased towards staying in the EU. We should expect an unbiased news program from the BBC concerning the EU, after all it is the 'British Broadcasting Company' not the 'European Broadcasting Company' and it is the British public who help to finance the company through the licence fee and we should expect better.
Lets have more balanced news in the future that deals with national issues rather than showing us endless footage of bombed out cities in the middle east. Perhaps then, we would see that there are reasons being put forward by the out voting conservative politicians, but they just don't get any air time.
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02-03-2016, 10:59 AM

Re: Conservatives tearing themselves apart.

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
At present most people are getting their information from the BBC news which I find totally biased towards staying in the EU. We should expect an unbiased news program from the BBC concerning the EU, after all it is the 'British Broadcasting Company' not the 'European Broadcasting Company' and it is the British public who help to finance the company through the licence fee and we should expect better.
Lets have more balanced news in the future that deals with national issues rather than showing us endless footage of bombed out cities in the middle east. Perhaps then, we would see that there are reasons being put forward by the out voting conservative politicians, but they just don't get any air time.

But its also 'licenced' by the Government, so clearly the 'nasty party' were always going to use it as a useful propoganda outlet.
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02-03-2016, 11:32 AM

Re: Conservatives tearing themselves apart.

It also has a substantial left wing bias too. Speaking of the Left, they seem to be very quiet on the subject of Europe at the moment. Are you trying to have us believe everyone in the Labour party are in agreement? 0r is it just that zombies obey their master?
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02-03-2016, 11:48 AM

Re: Conservatives tearing themselves apart.

Both parties are split on Europe, bbc are left wing bias or right wing depending who you talk to. Perhaps that means they are not biased at all.
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02-03-2016, 11:58 AM

Re: Conservatives tearing themselves apart.

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
Didn't I predict just this only a couple of weeks ago and was shouted down by yourself and the other 'nasty party' members???

If the 'nasty party' do split and destroy themselves - BRING IT ON!!!
And if they do destroy themselves UJ, just what does that leave us with a choice of? OMG ! Please, don't even say their name!!!
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