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14-02-2015, 07:54 PM

Re: Gumbud Leisurely Scribbles (part 1)

I have some beer in me belly
Am I’m looking at the telly
Superman is flying over New York
While the girl in his arms is trying to talk
“Do you love me” she asks with a frown
“Yes” he says then lets her down.

Aren’t men all the same, even the Super ones, well I didn't let mine down today. I hope you lads didn't forget your dearly beloveds today, I brought home a bunch of yellow roses for mine, had to search for them, most of the shops only had red roses, couldn't be giving her run of the mill roses on this special day now could I, I must have looked a right twit walking down the street carrying them, but who cares, love makes twits of us all.
She said she didn't want the chocolates this year as she says she's getting too fat, I hadn't noticed and I told her so, I think that went down better than the flowers, it pays in the long run to keep them happy lads, you know it makes sense.
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15-02-2015, 02:20 PM

Re: Gumbud Leisurely Scribbles (part 1)

Thanks for the champagne Pug.

Some words never seem to fit what they actually mean, if you know what I mean, this word means you are going to get something back, something good is going to happen to you, but it sounds like you’ve got a bloody good hiding… twice. Strange how when ordinary people owe you money they just pay you back but when it’s the government or an important company they ‘Reimburse’ you.

I have just been reimbursed and I am not a happy man, the first time I got bursed it really hurt, they nearly bursed the life outa me, but they didn’t care, the company went ahead and reimbursed me regardless of how I felt, and all I wanted was me money back. I think Imbursing folks should be made illegal, reimbursing them should carry a custodial sentence.
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16-02-2015, 01:24 AM

Re: Gumbud Leisurely Scribbles (part 1)

Ah,Jem-but have you considered your options,mate?

You could reconsider their reimbursment,rescind your rejection,renegotiate a renumerated recovery plan,then redistribute it to revitalise your many offshore acounts! THAT'LL learn 'em!
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16-02-2015, 03:32 AM

Re: Gumbud Leisurely Scribbles (part 1)

Travels Through my Ages - from tricycles to cars!...................

My father never learned to drive until well into his 50's although his father once ran his own taxi business - one taxi; one business. I am puzzled now why he didn't teach my father the rudimentary skills of driving?..........

so for many years our basic mode of transport was feet power with the odd train or bus thrown in for luxury! As a kid growing through school age years all infant and junior schools were within walking distance. An unassuming fact then but now I realize this must have given a state of comfort, compactness, community even. I walked the same streets daily, saw the same shops and people and felt safe doing it.

Having some wheeled transport would have removed all of this - they would have just whizzed by. Once high school started it was a different matter and two bus journeys were required using a special schools bus pass for free fares. But the connection with pavements, shops and people had been broken they all whizzed past!

PART II in which I exchange 4 solid wheels and a tin roof for 2 slender wheels and the open sky - and did it all whiz past - it certainly did!
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16-02-2015, 04:25 PM

Re: Gumbud Leisurely Scribbles (part 1)

Originally Posted by Pug ->
Ah,Jem-but have you considered your options,mate?

You could reconsider their reimbursment,rescind your rejection,renegotiate a renumerated recovery plan,then redistribute it to revitalise your many offshore acounts! THAT'LL learn 'em!
Never thought of doing that Pug...thanks.
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16-02-2015, 05:15 PM

Re: Gumbud Leisurely Scribbles (part 1)

Yes you do miss a lot of things when you are in a car Gumbud. I used to walk the mile and a half into work when I was fourteen and I knew the names of every shop and pub all the way into the city centre, there was a tiny sweet shop in Blessington Street with the simple sign over it, J.Bond, This was before the release of the first Bond film Dr. No. The little shop later became a favourite with tourists having their snap taken outside it, I believe the sign itself was sold to a wealthy American film producer when the owner of the shop died.
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16-02-2015, 10:20 PM

Re: Gumbud Leisurely Scribbles (part 1)

PART II in which I exchange 4 solid wheels and a tin roof for 2 slender wheels and the open sky - and did it all whiz past - it certainly did!

My teenage years commenced with feet power still the driving or movable force and the occasional bus to go from village to town with a cinema! One or our occasional forays was to revisit our home of birth. This involved a train journey with the station being a 40 min walk away from home. With the sun shining it was a glorious walk and how fit we must have kept. The train journey was probably less or the same time span, but the walk from the other end much shorter. Taxis were considered a luxury in those days.

My journey to local grammar school involved the same protracted arrangements. Walk to the local bus stop 15mins; board special school bus for a 30 min journey from our small village to larger town for schooling. The fares were subsidized in those days.

I eventually secured a racing bike [non-derailleur gears] which opened up a brand new world of freedom, danger and wonderment.
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16-02-2015, 10:48 PM

Re: Gumbud Leisurely Scribbles (part 1)

Don't forget to throw in a few tales of the freedom, danger and wonderment if you get the time Gumbud.
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16-02-2015, 11:33 PM

Re: Gumbud Leisurely Scribbles (part 1)

yes I will but what a great win for Ireland in cricket against one of the greatest cricket players the West Indies!! - congrats Ireland!
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17-02-2015, 01:35 PM

Re: Gumbud Leisurely Scribbles (part 1)

Thanks for that Cricket news Gumbud, I didn’t even know we had a Cricket team, that’s how good I am with sports, the papers are full of it over here this morning, good luck to them.
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