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Uncle Joe
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06-03-2016, 09:14 AM

Cameron's folly

Seems Cameron's star project - HS2, one of the most expensive follys ever thought up is about to hit the buffers!!!

And the very executives who are supposed to be working on this scheme have all refused to relocate to Birmingham, they will be 'commuting' on the very rails HS2 is supposed to relieve. Irony of all ironies!!!
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06-03-2016, 09:37 AM

Re: Cameron's folly

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
Seems Cameron's star project - HS2, one of the most expensive follys ever thought up is about to hit the buffers!!!

And the very executives who are supposed to be working on this scheme have all refused to relocate to Birmingham, they will be 'commuting' on the very rails HS2 is supposed to relieve. Irony of all ironies!!!

Shot yourself in the foot again UJ.

Hs2 was conceived and set up by the last Labour Government.

I do agree however that it should be scrapped.

The £40 Billion cost should be better used on buying out the PFI on the NHS so avidly spent by Blair and Brown, which is destroying the NHS.
Uncle Joe
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06-03-2016, 09:44 AM

Re: Cameron's folly

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

Shot yourself in the foot again UJ.

Hs2 was conceived and set up by the last Labour Government.

I do agree however that it should be scrapped.

The £40 Billion cost should be better used on buying out the PFI on the NHS so avidly spent by Blair and Brown, which is destroying the NHS.

Possibly but in concept only - Cameron adopted it with glee and it was the coalition and now the 'nasty party' alone who is so enthusistically pushing it through parliament in the face of bitter opposition from those who live along the route - many of them 'nasty party' members in rural 'shire' counties which is the heartland of the 'nasty party' support.
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06-03-2016, 10:59 AM

Re: Cameron's folly

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
Possibly but in concept only - Cameron adopted it with glee and it was the coalition and now the 'nasty party' alone who is so enthusistically pushing it through parliament in the face of bitter opposition from those who live along the route - many of them 'nasty party' members in rural 'shire' counties which is the heartland of the 'nasty party' support.

We are totally opposed on many things, on this we are in agreement.

it is a total waste of money, money which would be much better spent on buying out the PFI which is costing the NHS so much money.

Hs2 was a long time in the planning, it is a Blair Brown thing, I am saddened, but not surprised that Cameron has continued.

Before the Coalition came to power, when we still had Labour in power, two of my Ex Staff left, lured away by a doubling of their salaries and a Mercedes AMG Company car, to join the Hs2 Consortium.

All to do with Contaminated Land and the profits to be made.

I have certain principles, I object to UK PLC being ripped off by private profit to no benefit.

I do not object to private profit if it is in our interest.

I give my time, free of charge, to objecting to some of the technical aspects of Hs2.

I have won every time, as have other ex Colleagues who object to it.

I could make a mint out of changing camps, I will not because of my principles.

Hs2 is a con, an absolute rip off of Public Money in the interests of the Private Money Machine.

I will have no part of it.

Unfortunately money talks, and yes, I do agree with you, Cameron should have scrapped it.

One of the reasons I am so critical of him is that he hasn't.

However, the same could be said about Blair and Brown.

Hs2 is a testament to everything that is wrong with this Country, irrespective of which Political party is in charge.
Uncle Joe
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06-03-2016, 11:11 AM

Re: Cameron's folly

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

We are totally opposed on many things, on this we are in agreement.

it is a total waste of money, money which would be much better spent on buying out the PFI which is costing the NHS so much money.

Hs2 was a long time in the planning, it is a Blair Brown thing, I am saddened, but not surprised that Cameron has continued.

Before the Coalition came to power, when we still had Labour in power, two of my Ex Staff left, lured away by a doubling of their salaries and a Mercedes AMG Company car, to join the Hs2 Consortium.

All to do with Contaminated Land and the profits to be made.

I have certain principles, I object to UK PLC being ripped off by private profit to no benefit.

I do not object to private profit if it is in our interest.

I give my time, free of charge, to objecting to some of the technical aspects of Hs2.

I have won every time, as have other ex Colleagues who object to it.

I could make a mint out of changing camps, I will not because of my principles.

Hs2 is a con, an absolute rip off of Public Money in the interests of the Private Money Machine.

I will have no part of it.

Unfortunately money talks, and yes, I do agree with you, Cameron should have scrapped it.

One of the reasons I am so critical of him is that he hasn't.

However, the same could be said about Blair and Brown.

Hs2 is a testament to everything that is wrong with this Country, irrespective of which Political party is in charge.

Those of us to the 'political left' of Bliar & Brown would agree with you - I never did and never would vote for either of them!!!

Even Corbyn disapproved of them!!!
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06-03-2016, 11:14 AM

Re: Cameron's folly

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

We are totally opposed on many things, on this we are in agreement.

it is a total waste of money, money which would be much better spent on buying out the PFI which is costing the NHS so much money.

Hs2 was a long time in the planning, it is a Blair Brown thing, I am saddened, but not surprised that Cameron has continued.

Before the Coalition came to power, when we still had Labour in power, two of my Ex Staff left, lured away by a doubling of their salaries and a Mercedes AMG Company car, to join the Hs2 Consortium.

All to do with Contaminated Land and the profits to be made.

I have certain principles, I object to UK PLC being ripped off by private profit to no benefit.

I do not object to private profit if it is in our interest.

I give my time, free of charge, to objecting to some of the technical aspects of Hs2.

I have won every time, as have other ex Colleagues who object to it.

I could make a mint out of changing camps, I will not because of my principles.

Hs2 is a con, an absolute rip off of Public Money in the interests of the Private Money Machine.

I will have no part of it.

Unfortunately money talks, and yes, I do agree with you, Cameron should have scrapped it.

One of the reasons I am so critical of him is that he hasn't.

However, the same could be said about Blair and Brown.

Hs2 is a testament to everything that is wrong with this Country, irrespective of which Political party is in charge.
Excellent post! I particularly agree with the last sentence.

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