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Uncle Joe
Uncle Joe is offline
Brighton UK
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11-03-2016, 08:23 AM

They just keep coming and coming!!!

Yet more embarassment for the 'nasty party'. A senior officer of an oil company which former 'nasty party' leader Michael Howard is chairman of has links with Al-shabab allegedly.

For the chairman of a company to be so negligent of what is going on under his nose, is, highly embarassing in itself, but for that chairman to have been a politician and one-time leader of his party is something else entirely!!!
swimfeeders is offline
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11-03-2016, 08:43 AM

Re: They just keep coming and coming!!!

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
Yet more embarassment for the 'nasty party'. A senior officer of an oil company which former 'nasty party' leader Michael Howard is chairman of has links with Al-shabab allegedly.

For the chairman of a company to be so negligent of what is going on under his nose, is, highly embarassing in itself, but for that chairman to have been a politician and one-time leader of his party is something else entirely!!!

A claim the man denies vigorously, innocent until proven guilty.

If he is guilty, he should face the full force of the law.

Corbyn on the other hand is leader of the Labour Party, he has proven links to terrorists, openly admits that he has.

One law for one and a different law for another?

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