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11-03-2016, 12:45 PM

Harold's Birthday.

From Jeremy Corbyn's Facebook page:
Harold Wilson was born 100 years ago today. He was a Prime Minister who made Britain more equal - and there is no better accolade than that.
He was a proud Yorkshireman whose outlook was shaped by his experiences. He became an MP in 1945 when Labour was swept to power with a mandate to transform Britain through the introduction of the welfare state.
He is most remembered for radical changes to the law which gave people control of their own lives. In response to the Ford Dagenham machinists’ strike of 1968 – immortalised by the film Made in Dagenham – Wilson’s government passed the Equal Pay Act. His government boosted women’s equality by liberalising divorce laws and legalising abortion under certain conditions.
Crucial steps were taken by Wilson governments towards stopping discrimination against ethnic minorities and he ensured homosexuality was decriminalised. A seminal moment of Wilson’s social reforms was when he abolished capital punishment.
He famously tried to harness the ‘white heat of the technological revolution’ to modernise the British economy. He knew that a strong economy relied on a healthy and educated workforce. He prioritised the building of high quality homes for everyone and he created the Open University which – to this day – gives thousands of people opportunities to build successful careers with new qualifications.
One of his achievements, which is often forgotten, is his decision not to take Britain into the Vietnam War, despite huge pressure from the US president Lyndon Johnson. His position as an internationalist was secured when he oversaw the independence of Zambia, Gambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Lesotho, Mauritius and Swaziland. This was no surprise to his peers as he was a member of the Movement for Colonial Freedom, now called Liberation, of which I was a Chair.
Harold Wilson’s accomplishments as Prime Minister demonstrate the best values of the British Labour Party: equality, internationalism, and social justice.
The year before his time as Prime Minister came to an end, Britain had the lowest levels of inequality in our history. That was his legacy, he made Britain more equal.
Uncle Joe
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11-03-2016, 12:50 PM

Re: Harold's Birthday.

He was also the ratbag that presided over the 'white paper' entitled "In Place of Strife" which was intended to shackle the Trade Unions. This 'white paper' was substantially adopted by the 'nasty party' in their Trade Union Bill in 1970.

So the 'left' hasn't too much to thank him for.
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11-03-2016, 01:01 PM

Re: Harold's Birthday.

I will not stoop to debate on Harold Wilson's many and considerable achievements with Uncle Joe.

I was very fortunate to have been a friend of both Harold and Mary when they were living on the Isles of Scilly (where he is buried). They were both delightful people, and my wife and I cherished their company.
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11-03-2016, 01:39 PM

Re: Harold's Birthday.

I think his achievements out weighed any of his less favourable policies and he was a lovely man from what I remember of him visiting our home back in the 60s.
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11-03-2016, 01:42 PM

Re: Harold's Birthday.

UJ, in the words of Chas 'n Dave, "There ain't no pleasing you".
Uncle Joe
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11-03-2016, 01:52 PM

Re: Harold's Birthday.

Originally Posted by Purwell ->
UJ, in the words of Chas 'n Dave, "There ain't no pleasing you".

Wilson was told (twice)* that if he attempted to push this legislation through despiute the opposition of the Trade Union movement, he would lose the support of Trade Unionists up and down the country at the next General election. History has shown that that assumption was correct.

Given that warning from approximately 15 million people and ignoring such warning is crass stupidity!!!

* Once at the TUC conference in Brighton in September 1967, and again at a specially reconvened conference in Croydon in May 1968. I was at both conferences!!!
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11-03-2016, 07:23 PM

Re: Harold's Birthday.


Harold Wilson.

A frequent visitor to my parents house and the man who shaped my politics.

A very pragmatic politician with principles.

A very similar man to Joe Gormley, who did far more for the Miners than Scargill ever did.
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11-03-2016, 07:31 PM

Re: Harold's Birthday.

A great statesman and a very clever man too.

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