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Uncle Joe
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11-03-2016, 06:39 PM

Cuts, cuts and more cuts!!!

Now these evil scumbags in the 'nasty party' not content with cutting benefit entitlements to the disabled are now cutting back on aids and adaptations to enable the disabled to live in their own homes.
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11-03-2016, 06:55 PM

Re: Cuts, cuts and more cuts!!!

They are lower than a snake's belly, but Sun readers will still vote for them, easier than thinking.
Uncle Joe
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11-03-2016, 06:57 PM

Re: Cuts, cuts and more cuts!!!

Originally Posted by Purwell ->
They are lower than a snake's belly, but Sun readers will still vote for them, easier than thinking.

The ability to think requires a brain - most of them lack that particular organ.
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11-03-2016, 10:57 PM

Re: Cuts, cuts and more cuts!!!

Where will it all end
Uncle Joe
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12-03-2016, 09:12 AM

Re: Cuts, cuts and more cuts!!!

Here we go again. Something some of us knew would happen, have now had it confirmed by IDS's own departmental advisers, that contrary to what IDS has been trumpeting around the country for the past year, that no-one would be worse off, there will be significant cuts in benefit to those who are moved onto Universal Credit.

Yet more proof of the 'nasty party' being despicable!!!
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12-03-2016, 09:50 AM

Re: Cuts, cuts and more cuts!!!


The one thing that many seem to forget is this.

We are still spending far more than we get.

We need to balance the books.

It is very easy to criticise, but there has to be a sense of economic reality.

Cuts are needed, we cannot continue our extravagant lifestyle, and those who can work should work.

Those who cannot work, should be adequately provided for.

There is a lot of talk about the unfairness of sanctioning, however it is only about 1% of people who are sanctioned.

Undoubtedly there are mistakes made in the process, nothing is perfect and those mistakes need to be addressed.

However those who can work should work.

There also needs to be a balance between cuts and Taxation.

We need more taxation, we do not have enough Revenue to pay for the Services and Benefits we have.

Unfortunately, the present Government have not got this balance right.

I have no problem in paying more tax myself, however I want that tax to go to those genuinely in need.

I do not want it to go on the one hand to those who can work but don't and on the other hand I do not want it to go on subsidies like the Arts.

If you can afford to go to the Theatre, well pay for it, it is not a necessity.

I also do not want it to go on grandiose schemes like HS2, a complete waste of £Billions, just one example of the vast amounts of money that is wasted.

The NHS is the biggest waste of money, it is appalling.

The Internal Market needs to be scrapped, along with Clinical Commissioning Groups and all that nonsense.

Front line NHS services are failing, scrap the Bureaucracy and put the money where it is needed.

The same applies to loads of other things, the entire system is flawed.

The amount of paperwork and staff time on producing all this figures for meeting Targets is a nonsense through all of Central and Local Government.

Twenty years ago, a Prosecution for something simple, like illegally dumping Hazardous Waste was easy, only six pieces of paper.

Now it is a joke, it requires a Computer System and 41 individual steps, which takes five times as long in staff time.

It is the same for everything.

We need to get back to basics.
Official Poinker
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12-03-2016, 09:58 AM

Re: Cuts, cuts and more cuts!!!

There was something on Breakfast this morning but, as usual anything involving cuts to disabled people's benefits was reported so quickly by the BBC, that I didn't catch what it was.
If you watched Janet Street Porter on ITV the other evening, it was said that pensions being paid now are covered by payments made by today's taxpayers and future ones (loan) so isn't it time pensions, heating allowances etc. were means tested? Also why can't they increase NI contributions?
Pensions are the biggest proportion of benefits paid.
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12-03-2016, 12:03 PM

Re: Cuts, cuts and more cuts!!!

Considering that the majority of the country are Sun readers you do them a great disservice by insulting their intelligence.
Why don't you for once try persuading people with reasonable, intelligent discussion regarding cuts rather than the bile that you spit out at anyone who doesn't happen to share your left-wing values.

Mind you, I do appreciate it is only bad habits that you picked up from being brainwashed by such left-wing 60's ex peaceniks now running the Guardian and the BBC. So I will forgive you.
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12-03-2016, 12:13 PM

Re: Cuts, cuts and more cuts!!!

Originally Posted by TessA ->
There was something on Breakfast this morning but, as usual anything involving cuts to disabled people's benefits was reported so quickly by the BBC, that I didn't catch what it was.
If you watched Janet Street Porter on ITV the other evening, it was said that pensions being paid now are covered by payments made by today's taxpayers and future ones (loan) so isn't it time pensions, heating allowances etc. were means tested? Also why can't they increase NI contributions?
Pensions are the biggest proportion of benefits paid.
Let's get one thing clear TessA, As much as governments would love to lump it in with other benefits, a State Pension is not and never should be classed as a BENEFIT!

I worked and paid into the system, for 52 years in order to get back the state pension that I paid that money into. Do you know of any other Benefit that you do that with? Every worker in this country does the same.

Yes, the pension payments I paid were to pay for that era's pensioners, as those pensioners themselves paid for whilst they were working. That is the way the system has always worked.
It really annoys me if I hear or read of anyone stating that our pension is a benefit. It b.....y well isn't. ! Rant over!
Uncle Joe
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12-03-2016, 12:32 PM

Re: Cuts, cuts and more cuts!!!

Originally Posted by shropshiregirl ->
Considering that the majority of the country are Sun readers you do them a great disservice by insulting their intelligence.
Why don't you for once try persuading people with reasonable, intelligent discussion regarding cuts rather than the bile that you spit out at anyone who doesn't happen to share your left-wing values.

Mind you, I do appreciate it is only bad habits that you picked up from being brainwashed by such left-wing 60's ex peaceniks now running the Guardian and the BBC. So I will forgive you.

Ahhh so you've become one of the 'lumpen element' that Karl Marx talked about!!!
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