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Uncle Joe
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13-03-2016, 08:19 AM

Now I wonder why they would do that???

The anti' sleaze (Nolan rules) have been in place since Major's Government fell apart due to sleaze in the 1990s. Now the 'nasty party' want to water down the restrictions imposed by Nolan, I wonder why???

Those sleazebags want their cronies' snouts in the trough too - obviously!!!
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13-03-2016, 09:37 AM

Re: Now I wonder why they would do that???

I wonder why Labour MP David Lammy would do this..

A senior Labour MP who was today fined £5,000 for bombarding Londoners with more than 35,000 cold calls has apologised - but then insisted he had no idea he was required to gain permission for making automated phone calls.
David Lammy, MP for Tottenham, was rebuked by the data watchdog for the nuisance calls that were made over just two days last summer as he tried to win the Labour nomination for London Mayor.
His campaign ended in failure, however, finishing a disappointing fourth and picking up fewer than 10 per cent of the votes.
Read more:

We already have a problem with cold callers it seems the Labour party are at it now
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13-03-2016, 09:51 AM

Re: Now I wonder why they would do that???

My post above demonstrates we could all spend our mornings trawling through the press looking for numerous stories with which to smear any political party and posting links to articles.

Most of us realise this is not political debate so we don't do it .
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Alan Cooke
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13-03-2016, 11:04 AM

Re: Now I wonder why they would do that???

I can't be bothered to read lengthy articles about politics so I rarely come on to UJ's threads. They are becoming somewhat tedious Joe, why not restrict yourself to a couple per week then people might take a bit more interest in them. Just my opinion.
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13-03-2016, 11:38 AM

Re: Now I wonder why they would do that???

It doesn't seem to have stopped them anyway. Goldman Sachs head of the Banks of England, BUPA in charge of the NHS. If that's not sleaze and corruption I don't know what is.

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