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15-03-2016, 01:37 PM

Letter to Trump

Your thoughts...?

Sorry I can't copy and paste the text. If anyone can that would be marvellous.

An Open Letter to Donald Trump:
Mr. Trump,
I try my hardest not to be political. I’ve refused to interview several of your fellow candidates. I didn’t want to risk any personal goodwill by appearing to take sides in a contentious election. I thought: ‘Maybe the timing is not right.’ But I realize now that there is no correct time to oppose violence and prejudice. The time is always now. Because along with millions of Americans, I’ve come to realize that opposing you is no longer a political decision. It is a moral one.
I’ve watched you retweet racist images. I’ve watched you retweet racist lies. I’ve watched you take 48 hours to disavow white supremacy. I’ve watched you joyfully encourage violence, and promise to ‘pay the legal fees’ of those who commit violence on your behalf. I’ve watched you advocate the use of torture and the murder of terrorists’ families. I’ve watched you gleefully tell stories of executing Muslims with bullets dipped in pig blood. I’ve watched you compare refugees to ‘snakes,’ and claim that ‘Islam hates us.’
I am a journalist, Mr. Trump. And over the last two years I have conducted extensive interviews with hundreds of Muslims, chosen at random, on the streets of Iran, Iraq, and Pakistan. I’ve also interviewed hundreds of Syrian and Iraqi refugees across seven different countries. And I can confirm— the hateful one is you.
Those of us who have been paying attention will not allow you to rebrand yourself. You are not a ‘unifier.’ You are not ‘presidential.’ You are not a ‘victim’ of the very anger that you’ve joyfully enflamed for months. You are a man who has encouraged prejudice and violence in the pursuit of personal power. And though your words will no doubt change over the next few months, you will always remain who you are.
Uncle Joe
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15-03-2016, 01:42 PM

Re: Letter to Trump

Can't better it!!! - a wordy way of saying p*ss off!!!
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15-03-2016, 02:27 PM

Re: Letter to Trump

I heard on the Radio that the 'Anonymous' Group have declared war on Him also..Good for Them.
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15-03-2016, 02:54 PM

Re: Letter to Trump

I can't say he greatly appeals to me, to far to the right even for me. However, trying to shut him up,which is what groups like Anonymous will try to do isn't the answer . Taking him on, refuting his arguments and demonstrating that he is wrong is the only way.
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15-03-2016, 03:59 PM

Re: Letter to Trump

What a load of tripe no wonder it's anonymous .
Looks like something worthy of the electronic intifada .
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15-03-2016, 04:17 PM

Re: Letter to Trump

The letter is not anonymous,it's written by a New York journalist called Brandon Stanton.
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15-03-2016, 04:23 PM

Re: Letter to Trump

Well there is one thing I think we can be certain of , Trump won't be paying much attention to it paticularly as it has apparently been endorsed by Hillary Clinton on social media.
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15-03-2016, 04:26 PM

Re: Letter to Trump

Aye You're right there Meg...He's a law unto Himself by all accounts..though I can't say I know or care much about US Politics..We have enough prob's of Our Own.
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15-03-2016, 04:29 PM

Re: Letter to Trump


Whilst I do not agree with him on loads of things, we may have to deal with him as the next POTUS.

He seems to have an extraordinary amount of support in the USA.

At least with Trump you know exactly what he stands for, unlike our bunch who tell us anything to get into power and then do the opposite.
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15-03-2016, 04:51 PM

Re: Letter to Trump

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

Whilst I do not agree with him on loads of things, we may have to deal with him as the next POTUS.

He seems to have an extraordinary amount of support in the USA.

At least with Trump you know exactly what he stands for, unlike our bunch who tell us anything to get into power and then do the opposite.
Quite so, let Democracy decide.
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