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16-03-2016, 10:53 AM

False Flag Events and the EU.

Some people believe that some of the major decisions made in the Western world over the last fifty years or so were not democratic at all and were influenced by what’s known as ‘False Flag Events’ The Twin Towers, The London Tube Bombings, Charlie Hebdo Killings and The Paris Massacre. All designed to influence the way we respond. And have they worked? It seemed the right thing to do at the time, to flatten Iraq and Afghanistan and more recently go and bomb Syria.

I wonder why it’s always the public that the terrorists target? Why not Government buildings or army barracks? After all, it’s the people who run the country that they have a beef with not Joe public!

What if there are some Arabs huddled together in a cave high in the mountains of Afghanistan rubbing their heads and saying “Why us?” - Because we have been systematically programmed to hate Muslim’s. ‘Not me’ I hear you say, but if you look around there is a growing number of those that do.

So ‘What if’ a false flag event was planned to occur before the EU referendum, a small scale atrocity for the long term good? - Something to make all Europe stand together?
Something to woo the undecided or the unsure.
The news reports suggest that we are on the highest state of alert, do you think we are building up to something? I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t believe the ‘In Crowd’ have rolled out their big guns yet..... What do you think?
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16-03-2016, 11:07 AM

Re: False Flag Events and the EU.

I we human beings tend to have a suspicious nature and too much imagination. We tend to see and hear hidden meanings in events and pronouncements that aren't there. Conspiracy theories abound because somethings just cannot be explained to the satisfaction of everyone. There is always someone who will say " ah yes but". As the Americans say "sometimes sh*t happens.
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16-03-2016, 01:20 PM

Re: False Flag Events and the EU.

Oh dear Bob I hope you are not going down with a dose of 'conspiracy theory paranoia'
That would be dreadful for all of us....
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16-03-2016, 09:32 PM

Re: False Flag Events and the EU.

Meg and Rainmaker, I just can't believe our luck that we are going to have a fair referendum whether to Exit or remain in the EU. Dave Cameron has been known to pull some underhanded stunts before, like changing constituency boundaries before an election, and passing laws when there is a big news item breaking so you don't notice it going through.
It's not so much that I'm a conspiracy theorist but how much does he - and whoever controls him - want us to remain in the EU, I know the Americans are keen for us to stay in, and the lengths they might go to are infinite.
So if nothing big happens before the referendum I'll shut the chuff up.
But if it does I will smell something strangely Bovine.....
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17-03-2016, 06:15 AM

Re: False Flag Events and the EU.

I'm not saying that the government might not attempt to divert our attention to other things OGF, or even exaggerate some events out of proportion. They do those things already, witness the negative tactics the are using at present. Whether they would go so far as to deliberately create something, I think is doubtful. However time will tell.
What has suprised and disappointed me is the PMS involvement in and use of the negative tactics being used. Especially since while he was negotiating he gave the impression that he would that he would make his recommendation and the leave the decision to the British people.
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17-03-2016, 06:47 AM

Re: False Flag Events and the EU.

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
...... I wonder why it’s always the public that the terrorists target? Why not Government buildings or army barracks? After all, it’s the people who run the country that they have a beef with not Joe public!
I've often asked myself that very same question but only made that particular connection, now that you've pointed it out.

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
So ‘What if’ a false flag event was planned to occur before the EU referendum, a small scale atrocity for the long term good? - Something to make all Europe stand together? Something to woo the undecided or the unsure.
I see it as having the opposite effect, the opposite purpose.

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
What do you think?
I think such False Flag operations are meant to destroy the EU (split it, not cement it together) and that they are concocted not from within the EU but from abroad. I believe that a certain power of NATO sees a united Europe as a stumbling block to its' own personal endevours.
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17-03-2016, 06:52 AM

Re: False Flag Events and the EU.

Originally Posted by Rainmaker ->
I we human beings tend to have a suspicious nature and too much imagination. We tend to see and hear hidden meanings in events and pronouncements that aren't there. Conspiracy theories abound because somethings just cannot be explained to the satisfaction of everyone. There is always someone who will say " ah yes but". As the Americans say "sometimes sh*t happens.
I do not agree. Conspiracy theories do exist because "somethings just cannot be explained to the satisfaction" just as you say, BUT they "abound" because so many, many, many conspiracy theories have turned out to be true.
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17-03-2016, 08:31 AM

Re: False Flag Events and the EU.

We will have to agree to differ. Whilst I agree in some there has been an element of truth, I would disagree on many.

The trouble with governments is, when it comes to informing the public, they subscribe to the theory of the mushroom management school of information release. Keep them in the dark and cover them with sh*t. No wonder the public then speculate and these theories pop up.
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17-03-2016, 10:00 AM

Re: False Flag Events and the EU.


I am not one for False Flag Events.

The present bunch of Terrorists do target individual Soldiers and Police Officers.

Lee Rigby was very recent and not long ago Police Officers were confined to Station one night in part of the UK due to a plot.

There are a couple of prosecutions due for people allegedly planning such attacks.

There was also an attack planned for the Cenotaph was year.

Attacking Government and Military establishments is not a very good idea, they tend to have people with guns in them.

The object of terrorism is to spread terror, hence the propensity for soft targets, where large numbers of civilians gather regularly for things that they consider normal.

That spreads terror far more effectively and they are easy to attack.

Will there be an attack in the UK?

Yep, before or after the Referendum is irrelevant to the Terrorists, we will be attacked whether we are in or out.

The present level of Alert is not there to frighten us, it is there for a reason, there are hundreds of Jihadists here in the UK and they were here before Cameron announced the Referendum.

As the saying goes, they only have to get lucky once, we have to get lucky all the time.

In spite of all the announcements about additional staff, Cameron and May have made huge cuts to various Enforcement Agencies since 2010.

Electronic Surveillance is great, we are the best in the World, but when you identify a Subject of Interest, you need feet on the ground.

You can forget what you see on the TV dramas, they are a joke.

Full Covert Surveillance on one person requires a team of 32 trained staff.

If as a result of this surveillance they are identified as a naughty, you then have to continue surveillance and put another team of 32 on people they regularly meet.

You have to pick up the entire cell, not just one.

You can see the problem here, 32 soon becomes 64, then 128.

This is where the False Flag theory falls down, there would need to be vast amounts of people involved , it wouldn't work here in the UK, other countries maybe, but not here.

We have a unique British way of providing security, it is very discrete, not overt as in many other countries.

It is however effective.

When Headmaster Obama arrives to lecture us naughty school kids about leaving the EU, he will be bringing his own attack proof limo and support vehicles.

Ever wondered what is in the big black SUVs in his convoy?

Well here you go.

Not the British way at all.

The little old lady standing in the crowd, the tattooed hoodie will be the one who pops anybody who makes a move.

You will never see the snipers up high either.

False Flag event here in the UK?

Forget it, it isn't going to happen.
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17-03-2016, 10:01 AM

Re: False Flag Events and the EU.

Originally Posted by Advantage Out ->
I do not agree. Conspiracy theories do exist because "somethings just cannot be explained to the satisfaction"[/I][/B] just as you say, BUT they "abound" because so many, many, many conspiracy theories have turned out to be true.
Conspiracy theories exist because the truth can prove to be too banal for some people, wild flights of imagination are more entertaining and sell newspapers. .
I would say if conspiracy theories turn out to be true it is usually down to pure coincidence, I can't think of any that have been proved beyond all doubt to be true .
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