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23-03-2016, 12:19 PM

Never have I.................................

Never have I contributed or started a thread that touched on politics. Not once have I given Trump the time of day as when I'd caught site and sound of him on the TV, he seems crazy and OTT.

Piers Morgan is someone that you either like or don't like.

Browsing through the Mail-on-line, I thought to myself, let's have a read of something that takes in both these men.

Dare I say it, but there is something in the article that had me thinking to myself, "maybe they are right?".

If Trump is wrong, then it makes me wonder what the alternative is. If you are still reading this, then have a read and say how you interpret it:-
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23-03-2016, 12:59 PM

Re: Never have I.................................

Like yourself I'm not a fan of Trump, but yes that article has set me thinking.
Uncle Joe
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23-03-2016, 01:50 PM

Re: Never have I.................................

Trump is little more than a jumped up little fascist scaremongering the people to vote for him and his fascist policies, very much like Hitler did in Germany in the latter part of the 1920s and early 1930s. He deserves the opprobrium of every right thinking person, not just in America but across the world.
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23-03-2016, 03:03 PM

Re: Never have I.................................

The article is right about one thing ... there doesn't seem to be a world leader who has a clue what to do about terrorists.

The bottom line they feed us is .... we should all carry on with our lives as usual and show them we're not afraid.
As effective as saying .. perhaps if we ignore them they will go away.

I'm not a fan of Trump, he's too much of a wild cannon.
But .. there is a dynamism about him either of the madman or the man with the gonads to tell it how it is.

If he became POTUS I suspect the world might never be the same again.
Without him .. the growing threat of ISIS might also mean the world will never be the same again.
Hmm ... that's a difficult one.
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25-03-2016, 08:11 AM

Re: Never have I.................................

Trump for POTUS or would you prefer the slime bag Hillary,Trump tells it like it is and not a Professional Politician.I like Trump,He the MAN.
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25-03-2016, 08:31 AM

Re: Never have I.................................

Trump is a typical New Yorker,takes no crap,and he wont send in the troops with one hand tied behind their back like OBIE.Like the British soldier facing charges for killing a wounded ISIS fighter on the battleground.That would never be an issue with Trump as POTUS.That's one less to worry about.And of course if its not a free giveaway program then its a Fascist plot or overtones to it according to uj.But that is as expected,he see's Fascism everywhere,except for his views.
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25-03-2016, 10:49 AM

Re: Never have I.................................

I wonder what would happen if a politician who didn't believe killing was a solution to every problem gained power. There have been a few over the centuries but they were always either crucified or laughed out of office. Maybe when we get equal numbers of women in power they might be a change. Most women are not as keen on killing people as men are.
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25-03-2016, 11:30 AM

Re: Never have I.................................

Originally Posted by moreover ->
I wonder what would happen if a politician who didn't believe killing was a solution to every problem gained power. There have been a few over the centuries but they were always either crucified or laughed out of office. Maybe when we get equal numbers of women in power they might be a change. Most women are not as keen on killing people as men are.

The exception being the wicked witch of the West!!!
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25-03-2016, 12:26 PM

Re: Never have I.................................

I don't especially like Donald Trump, but I find myself agreeing with much of what he says
He also illustrates perfectly the hypocrisy and dual standards of the liberal left

When the journalists at Charlie Hebdo were murdered people rushed to support them, and defend the right to freedom of speech even if you disagreed with what was said, and even if you found it offensive
Well, now Donald Trump has done just that, and they're moaning like hell
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25-03-2016, 02:12 PM

Re: Never have I.................................

Nostradamus predicted (apparently) that the muslims would indeed invade Europe but a great leader from the West would eventually win the day. Maybe that's Trump? It's certainly not Jellyboy Cameron.
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