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Uncle Joe
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24-03-2016, 01:02 PM

Manufacturing industries

Some time ago, during a discussion on here about manufacturing I and I think Purwell raised the issue that Thatcher (phth, phth, phth) had all but destroyed our manufacturing industries back in the 1980s. Others on here said that wasn't true and that we could still produce manufactured goods.

Seems that that latter statement was not entirely true, our manufacturing industries (such as they are) are in a parlous state.
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24-03-2016, 02:27 PM

Re: Manufacturing industries

Can only speak personally where I worked we produced hair driers, good ones too, the government gave grants to employers to move to Northern Ireland, my job disappeared. I went on to work in another factory making filtration equipment, mostly for the government, they found China could produce them far cheaper so there went my job again. I found it hard to see how they could work out the maths as I was only earning £17.50 for a 45 hour week.
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24-03-2016, 03:45 PM

Re: Manufacturing industries

Very little of real substance is manufactured here now. No light bulbs, plumbing fittings, domestic appliances all made overseas.
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24-03-2016, 04:06 PM

Re: Manufacturing industries

Maybe the cost of manufacturing in the UK has become too expensive when the likes of China with help from their government can produce goods cheaper.
India also produces goods a lot cheaper than we can, due to a lower wage structure, and that is the main reason why our manufacturing industry is in decline.

It doesn't matter whatever political party is in power we just can't compete on equal terms. Even if we put a high import duty the EEC would not allow it. Just another case of Brussels sticking their nose into our business trying to ruin us
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24-03-2016, 04:10 PM

Re: Manufacturing industries

Originally Posted by realspeed ->
Maybe the cost of manufacturing in the UK has become too expensive when the likes of China with help from their government can produce goods cheaper.
India also produces goods a lot cheaper than we can, due to a lower wage structure, and that is the main reason why our manufacturing industry is in decline.

It doesn't matter whatever political party is in power we just can't compete on equal terms

It's not a fair comparison when their living costs are so much less than ours.
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24-03-2016, 04:13 PM

Re: Manufacturing industries

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
It's not a fair comparison when their living costs are so much less than ours.

Fair or not it is reality. If we could produce at the same price we would not import so much.
Would you support wages here being equal to the Chinese workers? I don't think so
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24-03-2016, 04:18 PM

Re: Manufacturing industries

When I was in China the average wage for a worker was £25 a year. That was about 16 years ago I was there. if you were "rich" you could afford one of these

In the countryside they are so poor they even break of tree branches and spread them on the local roads to dry out. Then used for heating and lighting at night as well as cooking over.

I was a real eyeopener when you got away from the main tourist areas
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24-03-2016, 04:37 PM

Re: Manufacturing industries

Originally Posted by realspeed ->
Fair or not it is reality. If we could produce at the same price we would not import so much.
Would you support wages here being equal to the Chinese workers? I don't think so
No but I would support them getting paid better.
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24-03-2016, 04:42 PM

Re: Manufacturing industries

Depends on your view of what manufacturing is,I have worked in the same place for too long, manufacturing laminated chipboard for at times the furniture industry,office desk's etc,kitchen cabinets,there are at least three company's that I know of producing this.Along with producing flooring for the building trade.
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24-03-2016, 04:48 PM

Re: Manufacturing industries

Nissan have a top performing car plant in the North East, why because they invested in the plant, machinery and manpower. So yes we can perform against one and all, but Britain lost its way with a short term outlook, bad ideology, and short term greed driven profit without reinvestment.

Expected from the Conservatives but when Labour got back in they did nothing to rectify the damage of putting all our eggs in one basket.
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