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27-03-2016, 08:24 PM

This can't be a good thing! Can it?

The Animal Welfare Guidance is going to be scrapped, poultry farmers etc. will monitor themselves.<br />
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27-03-2016, 09:52 PM

Re: This can't be a good thing! Can it?

Doesn't sound good .
The chicken is already the most abused animal on the planet .
No one cares about them and they have terrible lives .
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11-04-2016, 08:38 PM

Re: This can't be a good thing! Can it?

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
Doesn't sound good .
The chicken is already the most abused animal on the planet .
No one cares about them and they have terrible lives .

Perhaps because the poor birds are small and can't put up much of a fight.
Mind you, they are not the only ones abused on some farms.
I don't like any intensive farming where the animals never see daylight, graze good grass, or feel sunshine on their backs.
Veal calves are just one example.

Small Stalls and No Exercise
Calves raised for veal are forced to spend their short lives in individual crates that are no more than 30 inches wide and 72 inches long.(6) These crates are designed to prohibit exercise and normal muscle growth in order to produce tender “gourmet” veal. The calves are fed a milk substitute that is purposely low in iron so that they will become anemic and their flesh will stay pale
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11-04-2016, 09:11 PM

Re: This can't be a good thing! Can it?

I thought that veal crated calves had been made illegal years ago.
I have never eaten eat veal
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11-04-2016, 09:44 PM

Re: This can't be a good thing! Can it?

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
I thought that veal crated calves had been made illegal years ago.
I have never eaten eat veal

I believe you are correct Muddy. They were banned in the UK but I have a feeling they are still used in the USA?
Those calves had to be taken from their Mum's within 24 hrs of birth. I can't imagine how stressful that must be to both mother and her calf.

Anyhow, I still don't like the indoor methods of intensive rearing for cattle/pigs/poultry.
I suppose its all about which methods are less labour intensive and make most profit.

I expect we'll all be living on pelleted food in the future as with so many houses being built over the landscape, there won't be any where left to grow normal crops one day.
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12-04-2016, 08:02 AM

Re: This can't be a good thing! Can it?

There is so much cruelty in the dairy industry really you wouldn't want to know .

All dairy calves are taken from their Mothers within 24 hours .

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