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30-03-2016, 08:33 AM

What 'grubby' little deal is being cooked up now???

The 'nasty Party's' Defence Secretary has gone on a 'secret' mission to Saudi Arabia. Remember the 'deal' about 'prison' equipment, last year which fell through, because Parliament didn't like it??? - is Fallon stitching up a deal behind Parliament's back???
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30-03-2016, 08:36 AM

Re: What 'grubby' little deal is being cooked up now???

He has probably gone out there to marry a camel, hope he gets an ugly one!
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30-03-2016, 11:16 AM

Re: What 'grubby' little deal is being cooked up now???

Originally Posted by Purwell ->
He has probably gone out there to marry a camel, hope he gets an ugly one!
Are there pretty ones then?
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30-03-2016, 11:38 AM

Re: What 'grubby' little deal is being cooked up now???

Probably gone to work out how to treat us like they treat their people - ban on public demonstrations would be first I would guess.
Uncle Joe
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30-03-2016, 02:26 PM

Re: What 'grubby' little deal is being cooked up now???

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Probably gone to work out how to treat us like they treat their people - ban on public demonstrations would be first I would guess.

Julie darlin' - it's not what they can do for us, that is the issue, but what we are supplying them to enable them to repress even further their own people. An extract from the article I linked:

“During the meeting, they discussed areas of cooperation between the two countries, especially in the field of defence,” Emirates News Agency, another Gulf news organisation said.

“The meeting also touched on the latest regional and international developments in the region, including the fight against terrorism and extremism.”

As interior minister Prince Mohammed is directly responsible for security in the kingdom, including the internal repression of protest and dissent.

Saudi Arabia bans public gatherings, discriminates against its Shia minority, and has sentenced pro-democracy protesters and internal dissents to death by crucifixion and beheading, according to human rights groups and previous reports.
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30-03-2016, 03:44 PM

Re: What 'grubby' little deal is being cooked up now???

Another boring topic from the moronic left.
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30-03-2016, 03:44 PM

Re: What 'grubby' little deal is being cooked up now???

It's a shame labour MP Ian Austin wasn't involved, he could have done a deal for some of the horrendous torture equipment supplied by UK companies.
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30-03-2016, 05:32 PM

Re: What 'grubby' little deal is being cooked up now???

I wonder if he'll mention Saudi support and funding of ISIS.
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30-03-2016, 05:35 PM

Re: What 'grubby' little deal is being cooked up now???

Originally Posted by galty ->
Another boring topic from the moronic left.
Another derailment from the rednecks.
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30-03-2016, 05:37 PM

Re: What 'grubby' little deal is being cooked up now???

Another 'Trump' perhaps?

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