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Uncle Joe
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01-04-2016, 10:24 AM

Who says we don't have a housing shortage???

The public sector needs 1000s of affordable housing, just to stand still, let alone improve the lot of those renting or trying to get on the lowest rung of the house purchase ladder, but will the government invest that much??? - unlikely!!!
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01-04-2016, 10:27 AM

Re: Who says we don't have a housing shortage???

You won't hear me saying we don't UJ, round here we are shipping people up the country as even our bed and breakfasts are full.
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01-04-2016, 11:49 AM

Re: Who says we don't have a housing shortage???

I can't remember where in the country it was but the other day I just happened to catch a report about housing being built with Hedge Fund Finance.

It seems the Hedge Fund Clients are anxious about maintaining a good, fair cash flow from the often volatile stocks & shares markets, especially with China being now a major threat to world markets if it crashes.

This scheme builds houses for the social sector and they are maintained and rented-out by the Council but all profits over and above running costs go back to the Hedge Fund for many years as Social Housing is in very high demand now that private rents are ludicrously high so for all concerned this works.

The Councils have a new housing stock to manage, the locals have a chance to rent a decent home without the worry of having to move as it isn't actually a Council House and the Hedge Fund clients get a very stable cash flow that gives them freedom to invest elsewhere in other markets know their "back-up" scheme is very, VERY safe.

A percentage of the profits is, I suppose, held separately for any work that may need to maintain these units, which are built in quite pleasant modern villages that social tenants usually prefer. stevmk2
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01-04-2016, 11:51 AM

Re: Who says we don't have a housing shortage???

Of course we have a housing shortage. There are TOO MANY people in the Country and we just keep on taking them in.
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01-04-2016, 11:55 AM

Re: Who says we don't have a housing shortage???

Originally Posted by Longdogs ->
Of course we have a housing shortage. There are TOO MANY people in the Country and we just keep on taking them in.
Too many one person households is more the problem as families spilt, where once we had family groups living in one home we now have two or more groups or singles in their place.
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01-04-2016, 11:55 AM

Re: Who says we don't have a housing shortage???

Originally Posted by Longdogs ->
Of course we have a housing shortage. There are TOO MANY people in the Country and we just keep on taking them in.
A very pertinent point never mentioned by anyone in power...
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01-04-2016, 12:01 PM

Re: Who says we don't have a housing shortage???

Originally Posted by Longdogs ->
Of course we have a housing shortage. There are TOO MANY people in the Country and we just keep on taking them in.
Originally Posted by Barry ->
A very pertinent point never mentioned by anyone in power...
Well said guys ...
Basically, anyone needing housing ought to leave the country, throw away their passport ... spend an afternoon making a placard saying 'No Borders' and then just come back. If they ask Corbyn to appear with them on a selfie, he'd probably oblige.
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01-04-2016, 12:05 PM

Re: Who says we don't have a housing shortage???

Originally Posted by Barry ->
A very pertinent point never mentioned by anyone in power...
If this issue was ever to be resolved it would solve most of the other problems too: NHS, schools, transport, traffic, etc etc. But as you say Barry, no one in power will admit to it. It's so obvious.
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01-04-2016, 12:12 PM

Re: Who says we don't have a housing shortage???

Article dated 2013. The Telegraph.

Four million migrants arrived in Britain between 2001 and 2011, and of those 469,843 were allocated council or housing association properties, according to national census statistics released yesterday

Around 1.2million immigrants now live in social housing. They account for around one in eight of the total occupants, with the figure even higher in London, thought to be as much as one in five.

Never has the argument for look after your own first ... been so well presented.
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01-04-2016, 12:24 PM

Re: Who says we don't have a housing shortage???

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
Article dated 2013. The Telegraph.

Four million migrants arrived in Britain between 2001 and 2011, and of those 469,843 were allocated council or housing association properties, according to national census statistics released yesterday

Around 1.2million immigrants now live in social housing. They account for around one in eight of the total occupants, with the figure even higher in London, thought to be as much as one in five.

Never has the argument for look after your own first ... been so well presented.

I agree Morty! It is also very irritating that, as these immigrants are found housing so readily, British people who have been on the long waiting list,move down, rather than up the list.
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