Re: Who says we don't have a housing shortage???
I can't remember where in the country it was but the other day I just happened to catch a report about housing being built with Hedge Fund Finance.
It seems the Hedge Fund Clients are anxious about maintaining a good, fair cash flow from the often volatile stocks & shares markets, especially with China being now a major threat to world markets if it crashes.
This scheme builds houses for the social sector and they are maintained and rented-out by the Council but all profits over and above running costs go back to the Hedge Fund for many years as Social Housing is in very high demand now that private rents are ludicrously high so for all concerned this works.
The Councils have a new housing stock to manage, the locals have a chance to rent a decent home without the worry of having to move as it isn't actually a Council House and the Hedge Fund clients get a very stable cash flow that gives them freedom to invest elsewhere in other markets know their "back-up" scheme is very, VERY safe.
A percentage of the profits is, I suppose, held separately for any work that may need to maintain these units, which are built in quite pleasant modern villages that social tenants usually prefer. stevmk2