Re: Health Tourist's NHS loophole !
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Yet another reason for Brexit ??
I cannot see your logic at all.
We have no need to pay for medical care for EU citizens now, we have no need to pay for ant medical treatment for anybody who comes to the UK.
We have no need at all to pay child benefit for kids living abroad.
Brexit will not change these things at all.
The fact is we choose to, we are not obliged by the EU in any way, shape of form to do so.
We pay £2 billion in Carbon Tax, other EU Countries pay more, they get 100% of it back in subsidies, we are the only EU Country not to use that money for our own benefit.
Absolutely nothing will change, in or out of the EU until we have the political will to put us first, like every other EU Country does.
Germany, France and Italy, who all psy more into the EU than we do are not in it because they like giving money away, they are in it to their advantage because they make it work for them.
It is about time that we woke up to the fact that we don't, we are a soft touch and it is about time that that changed.
Non EU related, we pay more into NATO than all those Countries and we also fork out more in Foreign Aid.
It is about time that stopped as well.
We also pay a fortune as a member of Five Eyes, the security service, France, Germany and Belgium pay naff all, yet we are the ones who supplied them with all the info on the Paris and Brussels attacks.
It is about time we started charging them for this as well.
We cannot blame the EU for all this, it is entirely our own fault and it is about time we stopped being a soft touch for all and sundry.