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19-04-2016, 07:43 PM

EU should interfere less

A late news item has reported that EU president Jean Paul Juncker has commented that the EU is interfering too much in people's lives and as a result support for the EU is dropping.

His eyes open!

Could this about face have anything to do with the forthcoming EU referendum by any chance, an `out` vote encouraging other member states to also leave this lumbering bureaucracy? He also seems to be addressing people's fears of Turks flooding into Europe by claiming that visa restrictions will not be relaxed.

We will see if he's all mouth and trousers as I suspect.
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19-04-2016, 08:01 PM

Re: EU should interfere less

Originally Posted by Judd ->
A late news item has reported that EU president Jean Paul Juncker has commented that the EU is interfering too much in people's lives and as a result support for the EU is dropping.

His eyes open!

Could this about face have anything to do with the forthcoming EU referendum by any chance, an `out` vote encouraging other member states to also leave this lumbering bureaucracy? He also seems to be addressing people's fears of Turks flooding into Europe by claiming that visa restrictions will not be relaxed.

We will see if he's all mouth and trousers as I suspect.
As Britain is one of the major contributors to the EU's coffers I would think that Juncker won't be the only one who's worried. I also think that all eyes will be on the outcome of the referendum with the possibility that the house of cards might even collapse upon our exit......With the amount of amassed wealth that the EU possesses it wouldn't stretch the imagination too far to think that anyone in the British government who could manage to persuade the people to come up with a favourable result would end up being very wealthy indeed.......You didn't hear me say that!
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19-04-2016, 09:51 PM

Re: EU should interfere less

Originally Posted by Judd ->
Could this about face have anything to do with the forthcoming EU referendum by any chance, an `out` vote encouraging other member states to also leave this lumbering bureaucracy?
My bet is that, having met Dopey, he became quite confident that 'we' (our government) wouldn't dare to question him or his EU buddies.

However, when he realised that the referendum is now coming up, and having seen some of the latest projections and the increasing force behind the 'OUT' campaign, he's beginning to lose his nerve (he is, after all, almost French!).

Perhaps he's also noticed that the 'scare campaign' is showing signs of backfiring, and has decided to try a new tactic of trying to persuade the voting public that the EU might, just might, be open to making some changes... at least until he secures an 'IN' vote!
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20-04-2016, 07:11 AM

Re: EU should interfere less

He says that but I think history shows what the future will be under the eu they seem incapable of being a simple trade organisation and their political aims are still too important to them.
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20-04-2016, 09:20 AM

Re: EU should interfere less

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
He says that but I think history shows what the future will be under the eu they seem incapable of being a simple trade organisation and their political aims are still too important to them.
Yes you are right Julie, with the EU it appears to me that any decisions reached can all be changed at a later date once there is no turning back.
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20-04-2016, 09:38 AM

Re: EU should interfere less

The thing is, people of a certain age can see that we need to leave but the younger generations will go along with what they are told. They will believe CaMoron's rhetorical ramblings and are quite happy to let the EU interfere with their daily lives. It saves them having to think for themselves.
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20-04-2016, 09:59 AM

Re: EU should interfere less

Originally Posted by Longdogs ->
The thing is, people of a certain age can see that we need to leave but the younger generations will go along with what they are told. They will believe CaMoron's rhetorical ramblings and are quite happy to let the EU interfere with their daily lives. It saves them having to think for themselves.
The young know the world is a very different place than it was 40 years ago, before they were born. They think globally and dismiss the 'old fogey' ideas of 'Land of Hope and Glory'. The world is their oyster and they won't countenance being shut out of it and confined to an off-shore island with no influence and no friends, subject to the patronage of conglomerates
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20-04-2016, 10:09 AM

Re: EU should interfere less

Originally Posted by moreover ->
The young know the world is a very different place than it was 40 years ago, before they were born. They think globally and dismiss the 'old fogey' ideas of 'Land of Hope and Glory'. The world is their oyster and they won't countenance being shut out of it and confined to an off-shore island with no influence and no friends, subject to the patronage of conglomerates
I'm curious as I was quite young when we entered, did we never do business with other countries ? Did we never travel ? Before our joining of the Eu.

Anyone would think we never had any communication even the way some people are carrying on.
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20-04-2016, 10:09 AM

Re: EU should interfere less

There were some Italian people being interviewed on radio 4 yesterday, it seems many Italians are fed up with the EU too and feel they have been let down with regard to coping with the influx of migrants.
They are watching our referendum very closely.

It was also mentioned that the 'far right' are waiting in the wings in Italy and could make a significant comeback if things don't change . I think that is so in Germany and France and too and that is something which should not be ignored.
I fear Europe is going to become a very different place in the next few years.
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20-04-2016, 10:32 AM

Re: EU should interfere less

Originally Posted by Meg ->
There were some Italian people being interviewed on radio 4 yesterday, it seems many Italians are fed up with the EU too and feel they have been let down with regard to coping with the influx of migrants.
They are watching our referendum very closely.

It was also mentioned that the 'far right' are waiting in the wings in Italy and could make a significant comeback if things don't change . I think that is so in Germany and France and too and that is something which should not be ignored.
I fear Europe is going to become a very different place in the next few years.
Good point.

Was stated a few years ago that if the UK left then the EU would collapse because some others countries had a population that disliked the draconian EU and their stupid laws....Such as we cant dredge are rivers as all the pollutants in them could damage are environment...tell that to the flood victims in Somerset.

On LBC to day was stated that the EU hade brought in a law that Hairdressers can only wear a certain length to the heels on their Shoes. Men as well
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