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20-04-2016, 07:49 AM

Is Cameron that desperate???

According to IDS, that very popular (sic) Work & Pensions Minister, Cameron allegedly went on bended knee to Obama to suppport his 'remain' campaign.
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20-04-2016, 08:02 AM

Re: Is Cameron that desperate???


It's Politics UJ, not real life.

If all our Politicians spent half the time putting things in order instead of stabbing each other in the back the UK would not be in the mess that it is.
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20-04-2016, 08:53 AM

Re: Is Cameron that desperate???

Now UJ, you should not be too hard on the Thumb, apparently he is very disappointed his team Aston Villa has been relegated, even though claiming to have supported then since 1982. Last year he urged people to support West ham he later apologized to Villa fans saying he became confused.

He claimed that because the day before he made the gaffe he went past the West Ham stadium – and earlier in the speech had mentioned the West Indies – he accidently name-checked the east London club.

So cut him a bit slack please, hard work running the remain team.
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20-04-2016, 09:07 AM

Re: Is Cameron that desperate???

Lol nom

If mr Obama wants us to stay in he really needs to join himself to convince me it's a good idea, everything the in campaign does convinces me further we need to run for the hills. It may be good for USA we stay in but he has no right to tell us what is good for us he doesn't live here.
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20-04-2016, 09:32 AM

Re: Is Cameron that desperate???

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

it's politics uj, not real life.

If all our politicians spent half the time putting things in order instead of stabbing each other in the back the uk would not be in the mess that it is.
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20-04-2016, 08:58 PM

Re: Is Cameron that desperate???

We are Obama's pawn in the great EU chess game. He uses us to cut deals and influence Europe on his behalf.
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20-04-2016, 10:15 PM

Re: Is Cameron that desperate???

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
According to IDS, that very popular (sic) Work & Pensions Minister, Cameron allegedly went on bended knee to Obama to suppport his 'remain' campaign.
Thanks for the link I don't think BUT..

Copy a reply to this very odd article......

No, Boris really is right. The US happens to be a 'superstate' as you say but that is because all 50 American states are American and founded by Americans who were either British immigrants and then much later from Europe and the rest of the world... They were all founded within a hundred years of each other - having been derived from the 13 original British North American colonies breaking away from the Crown in 1776 to form the United States. They share the same culture, political structures and basic laws - all derived from the English Magna Carta. This is fundamentally different to 28 separate European countries - all with their own history's, cultures, languages, traditions, laws and political systems that have been forced together by economic/corporatism into a fake and artificial 'superstate'. This resultant pooling of their sovereignty into one government is precisely what Boris - and all of us that understand the value of self-determination and sovereignty - are saying... The US would indeed never pool or surrender its sovereignty with Mexico or Canada and neither should we or any other country unless their own people choose to. So please mate, read some history of countries and geopolitics and you might make some better contributions.
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20-04-2016, 10:50 PM

Re: Is Cameron that desperate???

They do go on don't they. What scares me about the EU is bloody Merkel. How can she have so much influence? Also, how come a country like ours has to go cap in hand to the powers that be to ask for change? Enough is enough. There are power mad individuals running amok in highly paid positions with vested interests in certain policy decisions who are answerable to whom? The bloody thing is unstable and getting more so rapidly. Let's shut up shop and take a breather. I sense something horrible cometh this way and we need to pull up the drawbridge before it gets permanently dismantled.

Has Cameron got a position lined up for himself maybe?
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21-04-2016, 12:00 AM

Re: Is Cameron that desperate???

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->
If all our Politicians spent half the time putting things in order instead of stabbing each other in the back the UK would not be in the mess that it is.
The "soap opera" that is party politics exists solely for the purpose of distracting and entertaining the feeble minded masses. You should pay it no heed whatsoever and ignore those armchair pundits who bang their drum over the charade, for in truth they are lost souls, caught up in the spell.

The real forces which govern the world, inc this country and the USA are continuing their agenda whilst everyone else concentrates on Cameron and Corbyn.

The rug is being pulled from under the public and like sheep they are being inexorably led to the slaughter. One massive collective made up of the various secret societies runs the show. Time people realised.
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21-04-2016, 12:21 AM

Re: Is Cameron that desperate???

To answer the original question (in the title), yes I'm sure Dopey is becoming more and more desperate. The more he blathers on about staying in, the more he employs his scare tactics, the more he loses any credibility. In fact, in my eyes and I'm sure those of many others, he appears more and more like a clown.

As for Obama, what a hypocrite! He'd like us to lose our sovereignty but wouldn't think for a minute of losing his own. But then, he's a typical American: 'we're the biggest and the best and nobody else matters'.
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