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Uncle Joe
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28-04-2016, 07:28 AM

Zac Goldsmith

If the 'nasty party's' candidate for London Mayor continues to shoot himself in the foot, he'll soon be walking around without any toes at all.
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28-04-2016, 07:33 AM

Re: Zac Goldsmith

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
If the 'nasty party's' candidate for London Mayor continues to shoot himself in the foot, he'll soon be walking around without any toes at all.
You live in Brighton Sod all to do with you.
Uncle Joe
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28-04-2016, 07:59 AM

Re: Zac Goldsmith

Originally Posted by galty ->
You live in Brighton Sod all to do with you.

And just when was Rainham part of London???
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28-04-2016, 08:25 AM

Re: Zac Goldsmith

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
And just when was Rainham part of London???
Rainham Essex is in the London borough of Havering which is in greater London which gives me the right to vote in the forthcoming election for London Mayor.

You do not have that right so keep your nose out please.
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28-04-2016, 08:43 AM

Re: Zac Goldsmith

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
And just when was Rainham part of London???
Uncle Joe
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28-04-2016, 09:04 AM

Re: Zac Goldsmith

Originally Posted by galty ->
Rainham Essex is in the London borough of Havering which is in greater London which gives me the right to vote in the forthcoming election for London Mayor.

You do not have that right so keep your nose out please.

In the words of the prophet - sod off!!! - If I want to comment on the 'nasty party', since this is a FORUM, there's bugger all you can do to stop me!!!
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28-04-2016, 09:10 AM

Re: Zac Goldsmith

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
In the words of the prophet - sod off!!! - If I want to comment on the 'nasty party', since this is a FORUM, there's bugger all you can do to stop me!!!
No was just giving you some advice.

O what was that O yes DILLIGAF
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28-04-2016, 09:33 AM

Re: Zac Goldsmith


UJ, I would never stop you commenting, that is your right.

However the people you support are those who seek to suppress free speech.

I am a Trade Unionist, however as a person who is employed to keep people safe and secure, I have never voted for, or taken Strike Action.

That is not my believe to put the General Public at risk.

It is far more effective to just take action by not giving the Government any figures at all.

My job is to protect the Public, no different to Junior Doctors.

I have serious problems with the current Government, the difference is this.

I would never, ever, put the lives of any member of the Public at risk, the Junior Doctors have, and so have you in supporting them in Strike Action.

That is the difference between us, I would rather suffer a loss in my personal circumstances than put lives at risk.

You obviously would.
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28-04-2016, 01:47 PM

Re: Zac Goldsmith

There doesn't seem to be much being said about Zac Goldsmith here.
A charming man but not really a politician maybe?
Never mind in just over a week we'll have a new London mayor, Sadiq Khan, small, but perfectly formed.
And Zac can go back to being a suburban MP again, I suspect he'll be quietly relieved.
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28-04-2016, 05:35 PM

Re: Zac Goldsmith

What on earth is wrong with some of the men on this forum today!!
For goodness sakes get over're a nightmare to read!

I'm off to play Hangman, and don't even think of following me there, we don't need quarrelsome nincompoops.
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