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08-05-2016, 04:05 AM

A Double Dissolution

The PM has just left The Lodge to call on the Governor General to dissove both houses of Parliament and call a double dissolution election for 2nd July.

A double dissolution means that the whole senate is now up for grabs instead of only half. It also means you only need half the number of votes to get a quota.

It also means there will be a loooong campaign of 8 weeks. According to the opinion polls on a two party preferred vote the two major parties are running neck and neck at 50% each.
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08-05-2016, 06:59 AM

Re: A Double Dissolution

It was on the radio the other day Bruce saying you could have a sixth leader in as many years.
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Bruce is offline
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08-05-2016, 12:07 PM

Re: A Double Dissolution

Originally Posted by Nom ->
It was on the radio the other day Bruce saying you could have a sixth leader in as many years.
Yep but remember we are a democracy with three year terms not the absurd five year terms as in the UK. This is the end of first term for the Liberal government the current PM toppled the unpopular mad monk.

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