More Fraud in Foreign Aid
The Government is still handing out money to rich Countries, hand over fist.
Today in the Mail on Sunday, we learn that Oil Rich Nigeria is to receive nearly £250million.
President Muhammadu Bibari sends his daughter to a £26.000.00 a year English School
He has partially admitted that he has more than £!million in the Bank, Five houses, and two plots of land.
Nigeria has the highest paid Government officials in the world, and is one of the largest beneficiaries of UK foreign
The President of its senate Sakari, is to face trial for corruption charges, after it emerged that he has £6million of London property in his wife’s name.
It is a well known fact that Britain, especially London is ‘A brothel for dirty money ’much of it Tax Payers money and the Government encourage this.
They have been threatening to stamp it out for years, and it is still rife.
Even worse, is the fact that British aid has given £510million to Syria and 1% has disappeared and may be diverted to Terrorist Groups.
Is there any control over where this aid actually goes? It should be accounted for, or drastically reduced.
Some of that should be used to build homes in the UK for all the homeless people.
When will the Government listen to reason,.
If they were Directors of a Company they would all get the sack an deserve it as well