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Uncle Joe
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10-05-2016, 09:45 AM

DWP still arrogantly insisting on cuts to disabled claimants benefits.

The new Secretary of State - Stephen Crabbe is still arrogantly pushing ahead with the cuts to disabled claimants' benefits despite being defeated in the HoL not once but twice!!! - proving once again just how despicable the 'nasty party' can be!!!
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10-05-2016, 09:56 AM

Re: DWP still arrogantly insisting on cuts to disabled claimants benefits.

Tomorrow it will be my turn.
Uncle Joe
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10-05-2016, 10:13 AM

Re: DWP still arrogantly insisting on cuts to disabled claimants benefits.

Originally Posted by Nom ->

Tomorrow it will be my turn.

Good luck matey!!! - stuff it to 'em and here's hoping they don't axe your entitlements.
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10-05-2016, 10:17 AM

Re: DWP still arrogantly insisting on cuts to disabled claimants benefits.

Good luck Nom I will be thinking of you, just be honest and remember to say how you are on your worst days.
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10-05-2016, 10:20 AM

Re: DWP still arrogantly insisting on cuts to disabled claimants benefits.

Yes, you stand up to them Nom.
I hope you get on alright and things turn out even better than you hoped.
Good luck.

(He needs Poinkers Anonymus to accompany him Tess, give them a damn good poinking).
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10-05-2016, 10:28 AM

Re: DWP still arrogantly insisting on cuts to disabled claimants benefits.

I know i will be taken off my ESA, and this is the least of my current problems.

I am always honest TessA, its my nature.
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10-05-2016, 10:41 AM

Re: DWP still arrogantly insisting on cuts to disabled claimants benefits.


I have the up most sympathy for the genuinely disabled.

I think that the cuts to their benefits are absolutely wrong.

Since I retired I gave every Friday free of charge to helping our local CMHT and in particular, abused youngsters.

Unfortunately, work commitments have forced a reduction, but I will be back full time doing that next year.

I was adjudged to be permanently disabled myself in 1991, told I would never walk again and never work again, I do both.

It may come as a surprise to some of you, being accused of my "Nasty Party" views that I am actually a Trade Unionist, a member of the Disabilty Group.

I have never lost a single case when I was acting on behalf of the genuinely disabled.

The other side of the coin is this.

I have refused to act on behalf of many of so called Disabled, they aren't, they can work.

An example, one claimant stated they could not lift or walk other than short distances.

Strange then that they could carry my fishing tackle for me.

I know every trick in the book, I will not and cannot support those who claim to be disabled but are not.

They do a complete disservice to those who are.
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10-05-2016, 11:11 AM

Re: DWP still arrogantly insisting on cuts to disabled claimants benefits.

There are many chancers who will grab every opportunity of something for nothing. We all know that. However, disability benefits can be the only means of existence for those who cannot work. The problem is that entitlement has become arbitrary, with little or no assessment of need. I understand that the process has now been sold off to a French company that neither interviews nor sees the applicant before making a decision. Claimants have died within days of being rejected. How can this be justified?

I'm no expert but it appears it's just another way this government can cut costs without a thought to the citizens they are there to serve. There used to an office in the Labour Exchange building where claimants could be interviewed. But that meant employing people to do the job and that would never do would it.
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10-05-2016, 02:38 PM

Re: DWP still arrogantly insisting on cuts to disabled claimants benefits.

Originally Posted by Nom ->
I know i will be taken off my ESA, and this is the least of my current problems.

I am always honest TessA, its my nature.
I know you are Nom, but, what I meant was don't say things are ok when they're not!
My Dad used to do that because he thought he should.
He used to tell the home help he could do stuff when he really couldn't manage.
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10-05-2016, 03:25 PM

Re: DWP still arrogantly insisting on cuts to disabled claimants benefits.

Originally Posted by TessA ->
I know you are Nom, but, what I meant was don't say things are ok when they're not!
My Dad used to do that because he thought he should.
He used to tell the home help he could do stuff when he really couldn't manage.

My Mum used to do exactly the same Tess. I know what you mean.
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